Sunday, February 27, 2022

Monday 2/28/22 deadlift ladder

 Conditioning for time: burpee deadlift descending ladder


Burpee Deadlifts

* 10 wallballs on dashes 

Sunday 2/27/22 partner, power cleans, goblet squats

 Partner wod for time: 

100 DUBS

42 power cleans 

42 goblet squats

100 DUBS

30 power cleans

30 goblet squats

100 DUBS

18 power cleans 

18 goblet squats

100 dubs

* both partners are jumping at the same time

** sub 200 singles

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Saturday 2/26/22 Open 22.1

 CrossFit Open Wod 22.1

3 wall walks

12 DB Snatches

15 box jump overs

* 35#/ 50#,  20/24”

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Wednesday 2/23/22 partner

 Partner workout ( I go you go)

Max distance on rower in 20 minutes

@0 minutes do 30 power cleans

@5 minutes get off the rower and do 30 push press

@10 minutes get off the rower and do 30 power cleans

@ 15 minutes get off the rower and do 30 push press

135/95 #

Tuesday 2/22/22 wallballs, dubs, deadlifts

 3 Rounds for time

60 wallballs


15 Deadlifts 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tuesday 2/15/22 the Chief

        The Chief- 5 rounds

 3 power cleans (135/95)
 6 push ups
 9 air squats 
* 1 minute test btw rounds

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Friday 2/11/22 front squats, power cleans, push press

 With the same bar perform the following

50 front squats

50 hang power cleans

50 push press

* penalty for dropping the bar - 200 meter run/ row

** the bar may rest in the front rack position, the the hang position or the hip crease

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday 2/9/22 Row, Goblet squats, KB swings

 Strength: Rack pulls 8-8-8-8

* 12 GHD back extensions btw sets

Conditioning: AMRAP- 20

Run 200

12 Goblet squats

12 KB swings

* sub run w/ row, bike, or elliptical

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday 2/6/22

 3 rounds for time:

10 strict pull-ups

20 deadlifts (225/155)

30/25 calories Assbike

40 push ups

50 wallballs 

Rest 2 minutes 

*35 minute time cap 

Friday, February 4, 2022


 Captain Thunderpants 

10 rounds for time 

200 meter row

10 burpees

5 power cleans (95/135)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wednesday 2/2/22

 Conditioning: 5 rounds for time

20 goblet squats

15 KB swings

10 pull ups

5 HSPU (sub strict shoulder press)

400 meter run