6 Rounds for time
60 double unders
30 Kettle Bell swings
15 Burpees
From CrossFit Southie
#1. Wod (20 minute time cap)
Kettlebell swings
* 5 burpees after each round
#2. Wod
30 power cleans (115/75#)
30/21 cal row
Rest 3 minutes
25 push press
25/18 cal row
Rest 3 minutes
20 squat clean thrusters
20/15 cal row
10 rounds for time
5 hand stand push ups (sub strict shoulder press)
30 DUBS (60 singles)
5 Clean &jerks (135/95)
Time cap = 20 minutes
For time: THRUBBIN
15 thrusters
50 Dubs/ 150 singles
400 meter run
12 thrusters
40 Dubs/ 120 singles
400 meter run
9 thrusters
30 dubs/90 singles
400 meter run
6 thrusters
20 dubs/60 singles
400 meter run
3 thrusters
10 dubs/30 singles
Teams of 4 Row 4 K
Station #1. Row 200
Station #2. Back extension
Station #3. Heavy KB static hold chest level
Station #4. Russian twists
* athletes move to next station every 200 meters
6 Rack pulls
12 slam balls
100 meter farmer carry
Finisher: 3 rounds
10 hollow rocks
10 Russian twists
10 Ab mat sit ups
From Strongman
3 Stone to shoulder @ BW
6 Bench press @ BW
12 GHD sit ups
3 rounds for time:
21 wallballs (20/14)
21 push ups
21 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65)
500/400 Row
#1. Strength: EMOM-10 Back squat 1-10
#2. Conditioning:
10 shoulder press
100 meter row
10 snatches
10 wallballs
Cash out:
1 minute plank
30 sit ups
1 minute plank
Strength - farmer carry
Conditioning for time
Run/row 400
21 KB swing
15 cleans
9 pull ups
21 KB swings
15 cleans
9 pull ups
Run/row 400 meters
Cash out: accrue 5 minutes- wall sit
50 wallballs
40/30 calories Ass bike or row
30 TTB
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
3 power cleans
25 double unders/50 singles or 25 pulls on rower
6 front squats
25 double unders/50 singles or 25 pulls on rower
9 Deadlifts
25 double unders/59 singles or 25 pulls on rower
7 rounds for time
7 shoulder press
7 kettkebell swings
7 sumo deadlift high pulls
100 meter farmer carry
From HQ
5 Rounds for time:
20 wallball (20/14)
10 deadlifts (225/ 155)
Nasty girls…
3 rounds for time
50 air squats
7 muscle pull ups ( sub 15 pull ups)
10 power cleans (135/95)
Teams of 4: ROW 4K
Station#1- Row 200 meters
Station # 2- KB swings
Station #3- Wall sit
Station # 4- thrusters
* athletes move to next station every 200 meters
** continue until 4000 meters completed
6 rounds for time:
8 heavy rack pulls
10 incline bench press
12 med ball cleans
60 seconds static plate hold
Annie w/ clean&jerk
DUBS / Singles x3
Ab mat sit ups
* do 4 heavy clean and jerks btw rounds