Saturday, March 31, 2018
Saturday 3/31/18..... farmer carry, then deadlift Wallballs push ups
#1. Strength: farmer carry using trap bar- 50 meters, adding weight each round
#2. Conditioning: 6 rounds for time
5 deadlifts
10 push ups
15 KB swings
Friday, March 30, 2018
Friday 3/30/18...... power cleans
#1. Strength: Power cleans - 5-4-3-2-1
#2. Conditioning for time: 4 rounds
50 Dubs
10 HSPU (sub strict shoulder press)
10 Power cleans
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Wednesday 3/28/18........ partner Wallballs
Conditioning for time: 300 Wallballs
EMOM- until you have finished 300 Wallballs
Odd= partner A does 5 burpees
Partner B does 1 heavy deadlift
Even= partner A does 1 heavy deadlift
Partner B does 5 burpees
Conditioning for time: 300 Wallballs
EMOM- until you have finished 300 Wallballs
Odd= partner A does 5 burpees
Partner B does 1 heavy deadlift
Even= partner A does 1 heavy deadlift
Partner B does 5 burpees
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Tuesday 3/27/18..... pull ups + bent over rows
#1. Strength: bench press- 5x5
Bent over rows - 5x5
#2. 7 rounds:
:30 seconds- bent over rows
:30 second rest
:30 seconds- push ups
:30 seconds rest
Monday, March 26, 2018
Monday 3/26/18..... Back squat
#1. Strength: Back squat- 5x5
#2. Conditioning: AMRAP- 20
7 squat cleans
7 burpees
200 meter run/ Row
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Thursday 3/22/18....... Deadlift Day
#1. Strength: Farmer carry w/ trap bar - 4 rounds adding weight ( length of turf down and back)
#2. Conditioning for time:
15 deadlifts
30 Wallballs
12 deadlifts
24 Wallballs
9 deadlifts
18 Wallballs
6 deadlifts
12 Wallballs
3 deadlifts
6 Wallballs
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
wednesday 3/21/18..... "Grindy"
Conditioning for time:
6 Rounds:
5 Clean & jerks
1 round of Cindy
*Cindy = 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
from Natural News:
14 foods that naturally remove toxins from your body
Posted Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 10:00am EDT
Eliminating or removing toxins from the body is an important thing to do to maintain your body to stay healthy. The body is often conceded toxins as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle or unhealthy food consumed. Moreover, it is not possible, toxins also often enters the body through bad habits such as alcohol consumption and smoking habits.
These toxic substances can damage the soft organs in the body if left unchecked like this. In addition, the toxin can weaken the immune system at risk. By removing the toxic will make the body become fresher and healthier as well as the immune system will be stronger.
Here are top 5 that you can do to remove toxins from the body naturally
1. Avoid Processed Food Consumption
Fruits, vegetables, lean meats along with whole grains that are not processed should be the food you consume. These foods help the body recover from the situation substances in the body that is carried by the junk food you consume. By avoiding processed foods is tantamount to cutting your excess fat, potassium and sugar content as well as materials such as fructose syrup. Food tdak through the process will cleanse your body and make you feel more awake and alert.
2. Green Tea Consumption
Green tea contains antioxidants that are so high that help speed up and facilitate the body’s metabolism. In addition, green tea is also able to effectively hydrate the body and can help prevent diseases such as flu. To that end, rather than soft drinks or consume unhealthy beverages, better switch than now to diligently consume green tea.
3. Sweating
Everyone probably already knows if the sport is healthy for the body, it’s just probably not many know if that intense exercise can issue the toxins from the body. With exercise, the body will sweat, sweat, here’s some of the harmful toxins in the body will be excreted through your skin. Therefore, from now on there is no more excuse for not exercising and sweat toxins from the body that can be removed.
4. Enough of Water Consumption
Water can flush unwanted toxins by the body. By saving a lot of water content in the body, you will speed up the process of excretion of toxins from the body. In addition, it is also able to provide other benefits, such as the skin better and slimmer waist.
5. Stop Smoking Habits and Alcohol Consumption
Stopping a habit that has been ingrained for a long time is not an easy matter. But to get a healthy body it will be an expensive fee to a better body without toxins is what you get. Smoking and alcohol consumption can worsen the performance of the heart and lungs contaminated hazardous substances from cigarettes. For that, you should immediately reduce and stop this bad habit, so that a healthy body is what you get.
14 foods that naturally Remove toxins from body
- Cucumber: on average around 95% water, this veggie helps flush out toxins and alkalize the body while delivering a powerful nutrient punch.
- Garlic: stimulates the liver to encourage production of detoxification enzymes.
- Broccoli: delivers a large dose of vitamins while neutralizing and eliminating toxins.
- Lentils: extremely fiber-rich (1 cup cooked has 62.5% of your RDA!), lentils aids in toxin elimination, lower cholesterol, and balance blood sugar.
- Turnip greens: loaded with antioxidants and sulfur-containing nutrients (Without sulfur, the body cannot properly detoxify substances such as pharmaceuticals, environmental toxins and heavy metals), turnip greens also contain phytonutrients called glucosinolates that help activate and regulate detoxification enzymes.
- Sunflower seeds: these little slivers of sunshine are not only high selenium and Vitamin E, but also assist liver’s detoxing capabilities and prevent cholesterol build up in the blood and arteries. Be sure to choose organic as their high fat and oil allows them to easily soak up chemicals used in the production process.
- Walnuts: infuse the body with healthy omega-3 oils to assist detoxification.
- Turmeric: stimulates liver function. (Also a great addition to your diet for all-around health).
- Red pepper: when it comes to cleansing, vitamin C is one of the cream of the vitamin crop because it transforms toxins into digestible material. One red pepper contains about 3 times more vitamin C than an orange.
- Citrus fruits.
- Grapefruit: a class of its own, grapefruit lowers cholesterol, prevents kidney stones and aids the digestive system, which set it apart from the other citrus fruits.
- Watercress: keeps free radicals away from cells, energizes cleaning enzymes in the liver and is a natural diuretic.
- Mung beans: used by Ayurvedic doctors for thousands of years, this easily digestible bean absorbs toxic residue from the intestinal walls.
- Artichokes: chock-full of cynarin, which increases bile production and promotes healthy digestion.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Tuesday 3/20/18.... #1. Floor press
#1. Floor Press - 10-8-6-4-2 (climbing in weight)
The floor press is an upper body movement that allows you to press massive weights without undue shoulder stress. • Floor presses negate leg drive, creating a pure upper-body push. All the stress is focused on the chest, triceps, and shoulders.
#2. Conditioning: Row 1000 meters
* every 200 meters do 10 bench press
Monday, March 19, 2018
monday 3/19/18.... Squats
#1. Strength: back squats 5x5
#2. Conditioning: "Lucky 7"
7 Rounds:
7 front squats
7 Pull ups

Sunday, March 18, 2018
Sunday 3/19/18... Thrusters, Slamball, DUBS
#1. Strength: shoulder press
#2. Conditioning:
6 Thrusters (135/95)
12 Slamballs
after the Nor'Easter......
Saturday, March 17, 2018
saturday 3/17/18.... sit ups, back extensions, power cleans
Conditioning for time;
Sit ups
Back extensions
* 5 power cleans on dashes
Friday, March 16, 2018
Friday 3/16/18..... 18.4
Deadlift 225/155
Deadlift 315/205
50’ HS walk
9 minute time cap
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Tuesday 3/13/18..... Floor press
#1. Floor press - 6x3 climbing
#2. 5 rounds for time
5 bench press
10 renegade rows
25 sit ups
50 dubs
Monday, March 12, 2018
Monday 3/12/18..... front squats and AMRAP
#1. Strength: front squat 5x5
#2. Conditioning: AMRAP-12
12/9 calorie row
30 air squats
12/9 calorie
15 DB push press (30/40)
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Sunday 3/11/18..... Wallballs + Power cleans
For time:
50 Wallballs + 15 power cleans
40 Wallballs + 10 power cleans
30 Wallballs + 5 power cleans
* increase weight each round
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Saturday 3/10/18...... deadlift, sit ups
#1. Strength: deadlift 4x3
#2. Conditioning for time:
Sit ups
Friday, March 9, 2018
Friday 3/9/18...... Open wod 18.3
Rossfit Open wod 18.3
100 DUBS
20 OHS
100 DUBS
12 Ring muscle ups
100 DUBS
DB snatch
100 DUBS
12 Bar muscle ups
M-115/ F-80
M- 50# DB/ F- 35# DB
* time cap = 14 minutes
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Thursday 3/9/18..... 150 KB swings
Conditioning for time:
150 KB swings
* every time you stop Row 200 meters
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Thursday 3/1/18... OHS, DUBS, HSPU, Pull ups
3 rounds:
50 Dubs
10 Overhead squats
Rest 5. Inutes
3 rounds:
10 Hand stand push ups
10 Pull ups
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