Strength: Back squat 3 RM
Conditioning; 5 rounds for time
20 air squats
20 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
Finisher: 5 rounds- Row 200/ 20 sit ups
Strength: Back squat 3 RM
Conditioning; 5 rounds for time
20 air squats
20 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
Finisher: 5 rounds- Row 200/ 20 sit ups
Strength: Farmer Carry
Conditioning: AMRAP- 15
10 Bench press
10 Renegade row
100 meter keg carry
Conditioning: AMRAP-18
2 push press (95/65)
2 goblet squats
100 meter sprint
4 push press
4 goblet squats
100 meter sprint
* keep adding 2 reps until time runs out
Strength: strict shoulder press 5-5-3-3-3
Conditioning: Amrap x3
#1. Amrap -7
20 DB snatches
20 Abmat sit-ups
REST 2 minutes
#2. Amrap-6
10 snatches
10 wallballs
REST 2 minutes
#3 Amrap-5
5 deadlifts
5 KB swings (sub gtoh w/ plate)
Power cleans
50 dubs after each round
Front squats
59 dubs after each round
Strength: rack pulls, 5-5-5-3-3-3
Conditioning: 10 rounds for time
20 meter heavy object carry ( slam ball/ KB/ DB)
5 bench press
20 meter heavy object carry
5 deadlifts
* set up your bench press 20 meters from your deadlift
** carry your heavy object 20 meters to your bench- do 5 bench press then carry your object 20 meters to your deadlift bar.
*** 20 meters should be length of the squat racks
Every minute on the minute x15 minutes (alternating )
Min. 1- Run / Row 200 meters
Min.2 - 3 Cleans (102/ 70kg)
Min.3- 15 wallballs
Conditioning: 7 rounds for time
7 KB swings
7 Snatches
7 push press
:45 second static plate hold
Finisher: flight simulator DUBS/Singles
10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100 unbroken
Rest btw rounds
Must be unbroken to move to next round
Team Wod for time ( split anyhow)
100 deadlifts (80/60kg)
Row 40 calories
80 Cleans (60/40kg)
Row 40 calories
60 clean& jerks (45/30kg)
Row 40 calories
40 burpees
Row 40 calories
For time:
Tabata back squats (95/65)
* continue until 100 back squats are completed
** tabata: 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
3 rounds for time:
21 hang power snatches (115/75)
50 air squats
1 minute plank
Strength: every :30 for 12 minutes- 1 hang power snatch
Conditioning: 2 rounds for time
15 toes to bar
30 alternating dumbbell snatches (60/40)
#2. Conditioning:
Modify: AMRAP-18
6 deadlifts
60 singles
15 wallballs
Strength: box squats
Conditioning: Captain Thunderpants
10 rounds for time
200 meter row
10 burpees
5 power cleans (95/135)
Strength: Rack pulls 5-5-5-3-3-3
Conditioning: E2MOM in 16 minutes
8 deadlifts (155/105)
8 bar facing burpees
24 air squats
#1. Strength: Trap bar farmer carry
#2. Conditioning: power clean/push press ladder
Power cleans 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Push press 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
* 10 WAllballs between rounds
Strength- Mo-95#
Matt- 185#
Kate- 195#
Lynn- 165# ( her body weight 😂)
Pete- 235#
Lynn -16:05
Matt- 16:25
Mo- 17:02
Pete- 20:21
Conditioning: for time
25 sit ups
50 singles
15 front squats
25 sit ups
50 singles
13 front squats
25 sit ups
50 singles
11 front squats
25 sit ups
50 singles
9 front squats
Strength: front squats
Conditioning: partner WOD for time
Row 1200 meters
Partner holds plank (switch every 200 meters)
100 Thrusters
Partner holds wall sit ( switch every 10)
Conditioning: EMOMS X3
7 deadlifts
7 KB swings
REST 2 minutes
5 deadlifts
5 KB swings
REST 2 minutes
3 deadlifts
3 KB swings
* add weight after each EMOM