Wednesday, July 31, 2013

here's the link to the crossfit games masters division - women 60+ (Suzanne and Jan are doing this next year)

Wednesday 7/31/13.... 3 Rounds - "Twenty something"

"Twenty Something":
3 Rounds for time

20 wall ball
200 m. run
20 GTOH w/ plate (ground to overhead)
200 m. farmer carry
20 burpees
200 m. run

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday 7/29/31..." Running Barbell Bear"

5 sets of the sequence:
Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push press

5 Rounds, Run 400m between rounds

*No resting on the ground (even to regrip).

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

friday 7/26/13......AMRAP - 20


1 minute DUBS
1 minute sit ups
1 minute ball slams 20/30
1 minute rest

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday 7/24/13...."Barbara"

5 rounds:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 air squats
rest 3 minutes

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday 7/22/13....Bench - 8x3 then one time through...

Strength: Bench press - 8x3

for time:

50 wallballs
50 box jumps
50 push press
50 air squats
50 situps

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday 7/21/13......"Thrubbin"


Run 400
15 Thrusters (65/95)
50 DUBS/200 singles
Run 400
12 Thrusters
40 DUBS/160 singles
Run 400
9 Thrusters
30 DUBS/120 singles
Run 400
6 Thrusters
20 DUBS/80 singles
3 Thrusters
10 DUBS/40 singles
Run 400

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday 7/20/13..."The Chief"

"The Chief"

AMRAP - 3 minutes

3 Power clean 135#/95#

6 Push ups

9 Air squats

Rest 1 minute

*Repeat for 5 cycles

Soy Products linked to cancer - Four reasons to cut soy from your diet TODAY!   

(NaturalNews) As time goes by, people are steadily waking up to some of the proven facts about soy, such as the knowledge that most soy is GMO. If that is the case, one can deduce that to solve the problem one can simply buy organic soy products. While it's true that organic soy is healthier for you than GMO soy, there are other facts about soy that pose serious health risks. Here are four facts that debunk soy as a healthy food choice.

Four reasons to phase-out most soy products on the market

1. Soybeans contain large amounts of toxins.Unlike with other foods where any toxins are destroyed or deactivated during cooking, the toxins in soybeans remain intact. Some of these toxins, or "enzyme inhibitors," block the actions of enzymes needed for the digestion of protein. The enzyme inhibitors in soy are linked to cancer in lab animal tests. Test animals fed enzyme inhibitors developed enlargement and pathological conditions of the pancreas, including pancreatic cancer.

2. Soybeans can interfere with nutrient absorption during digestion. This is because soy is high in phytic acid, which has been shown to block absorption of minerals calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.

3. Soybeans are among the most highly pesticide-contaminated foods on the market. As you probably know, pesticides are a toxic, distorted-energy-spin substance, linked to a variety of ailments. Soy products also contain high levels of aluminum, a life-force sapping heavy metal which does not belong in foods that we put in our bodies, as it has bio-accumulative negative health effects. The aluminum in soy comes from the aluminum tanks in which the beans are acid washed and heat-processed.

4. Soybeans contain haemagglutinin, nitrites, soy protein isolates, and goitrogens. Each of these substances has a particular negative effect on your health. Haemagglutinin is a blood clot-promoting substance which causes red blood cells to clump together. Nitrites are powerful carcinogens which form when soybeans are spray-dried (carcinogens are potential cancer-causing agents). Soy protein isolates have been shown to enlarge the pancreas and thyroid gland and also increase fatty acid deposits in the liver. Goitrogens are found in soy-based foods in large amounts. They block thyroid hormone production. All of the above substances have the effect of disrupting body chemistry and hormones.

Wait a minute! I thought soy was good for me

Like me, you've probably been under the impression that soy was healthy for years. In which case, the truth turns out to be shocking as it was to me. And still, proponents of soy will assert that Asian cultures have been safely eating soy for thousands of years. However, this has been debunked as only a partial truth. Asians began eating soybeans 2,500 years ago only after figuring out how to ferment it. Ancient Asian cultures knew that soybeans contain multiple toxic substances even after cooking. It is only through the process of fermentation that toxins in soy are safely neutralized.

Soy: Healthy in the right form

The distorted half-truth about soy having beneficial, health-enhancing properties is actually based on fact. The truth however, is that the beneficial properties of soy are only made available during fermentation when a special mold grows on the beans. Fermentation has the dual purpose of making the nutrients in soy bio-available, while simultaneously destroying the toxins.

Fermented soy products include tempeh, miso, and natto. As for tofu, the toxic enzyme inhibitors live in the soaking liquid around the tofu, not the tofu curd itself. Thus, the toxins in tofu are reduced in quantity but not eliminated.

Sources for this article include:

Friday, July 19, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday 7/18/13....AMRAP - 15

Strength: Back Squat x2 EMOM for 10 minutes

Conditioning: AMRAP -15

10 Hang power cleans
15 Wallballs

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday 6/16/13......"Bubbles"

50 Lunges


"Bubbles" - AMRAP -12
10 Burpees


50 Lunges

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday 7/15/13....AMRAP - 20, Benchx5 Push press x10, Dipsx15

Strength : close grip Bench Press - 6x4

Conditioning: AMRAP - 20

5 Bench Press
10 Push Press
15 Dips


Amazing amla: The only natural health supplement you'll ever need

Saturday, July 13, 2013 by: Sandeep Godiyal
Tags: amlaIndian gooseberryantioxidants

(NaturalNews) Amla has been used by people for some time now. This plant, considered a miracle drug by some, contains a lot of health-giving ingredients that should appeal to anyone and everyone. In fact, there are a good number of people who look to get their daily fix of this natural herb, but what is the buzz behind Amla? Here is a list of some of its best health benefits.

Eight health benefits of taking Amla

1. Rich in Vitamin C - Vitamin C is one of the most popular ingredients in health supplements everywhere, and Amla contains a boatload of this vitamin. An effective antioxidant that also doubles as an immune system booster, this herb provides a potent dose of Vitamin C.

2. High in Antioxidants - Antioxidants are needed by the body. These remove free radicals that can have numerous detrimental effects on health. By eliminating free radicals, you provide protection for your cells, reducing the signs of aging and the risk of developing cancer.

3. Improves digestion - There are many ways in which improved digestion can improve the overall health of an individual. It reduces the overall acidity of the digestive system, reduces pain, improves absorption, and protects the stomach from potential damage. What's more, its action is gentler than that of other herbal treatments such as ginger.

4. Gives the urinary system a boost - Keeping your urinary system functional is a boon for your health. This is because by keeping it healthy, you effectively flush out toxins from the inside. More importantly,Amla does it without overstimulating your urinary tract, which can cause undesirable effects such as too much urination and even dehydration.

5. It strengthens the liver - The liver plays a huge role in the body because of its detoxifying abilities. Amla is linked to both strengthening the function of your liver while protecting it from potentially destructive elements. So if you want to keep your liver healthy, you can't go wrong with this herbal product.

6. Anti-inflammatory properties - There are many pains, aches, and conditions that are linked to inflammation. While this is a natural body reaction, there are times when excessive inflammation can be damaging. Amla has the unique ability to keep inflammations from worsening.

7. Relief from menstrual cramps - Menstrual cramps are some of the worst things that women experience during that time of the month. Amla is best taken a few weeks before your period as it allows the herb to be in your system long enough to take effect.

8. A more radiant look - Everyone is looking for that extra edge in the looks department. You'll get exactly that by taking Amla. It has been clinically proven to make the skin both healthy and more vibrant.

Even with its many benefits and its being derived entirely from nature, Amla must not be regarded as a supplement you can consume casually. It is recommended that you consult first with a doctor or any other qualified health practitioner to determine if you have any bodily conditions that could prevent you from enjoying the full range of benefits that Amla provides.

Learn more:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

thursday 7/11/13.... front squats + sit ups


Front squats 185/135
Sit ups


How marinating your meat can help you avoid getting cancer

Tuesday, July 09, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
Tags: marinating meatcancer preventionfood chemicals

(NaturalNews) A plethora of scientific research has been published in recent years condemning grilled, fried, and other aggressively-cooked meats as harmful to health -- and for good reason, as overcooking meat has, indeed, been shown to degrade its nutritional profile, and in some cases even make it carcinogenic. But one easy way you can proactively avoid the potential toxicity of meat this summer is to simply marinate it first.

When meats are cooked at high temperatures, typically over an open flame or hot coals, the intense heat generated converts otherwise beneficial amino acids in the meat into toxic compounds known as heterocyclic amines (HCAs). Similarly, when the fat in meat is exposed to an open flame, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are produced. Both HCAs and PAHs have been shown to damage DNA, and in some cases cause cancer.

But the good news is that these harmful compounds can be prevented from forming by first marinating meat. According to several recent studies, marinating meat basically protects it from becoming damaged by high heat. And the reason for this, at least according to some informed experts, is that marinades typical contain herbs, spices, and other agents that are high in antioxidants.

"Marinades create a 'barrier' between the meat and cancer-causing compounds," writes Larissa Long for "Researchers believe that this could be due to the high antioxidant content of various herbs and spices used in marinades."

Numerous studies over the years suggest marinades make meat healthier

A 2012 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry affirms this, having found that a variety of unique marinades exhibit anti-HCA effects when applied to meat. One particular marinade blend containing garlic, ginger, thyme, rosemary, and red chili pepper was found to reduce HCA production by an astounding 74 percent. Similarly, wine by itself; dealcoholized wine with herbs; beer and herbs; dealcoholized wine by itself; and beer by itself were also found to help reduce HCA content in meat.

You can view the results of this study here:

Another study published in the Journal of Food Science a few years earlier found that HCAs are reduced by various other types of marinades. A "Caribbean" marinade, for instance, was found to reduce HCA production by 88 percent in this study, while both an herb-based and "Southwest" marinade helped reduce HCA content by 72 percent and 57 percent, respectively.

You can view the results of this study here:

And again in 2012, a study published in the journal Food Control found that applying a marinade to meat prior to cooking can significantly reduce its PAH content. In this particularly study, acidic marinades containing lemon juice were found to be most effective at reducing PAH production in meat during high-heat cooking.

You can view the results of this study here:

As always, choose grass-fed, non-GMO meats and GMO-free marinades for optimal nutrition

All in all, it appears that soaking meat in some kind of protective marinade containing either acidic or herbal ingredients for at least 30 minutes prior to cooking it can help significantly reduce its content of potential cancer-causing agents. Just be sure to use meat that is derived either from grass-fed, pasture-based animals, or animals fed only non-genetically-modified (non-GMO) feed without added antibiotics in order to avoid other health problems. And always choose marinades that contain only non-GMO oils and other ingredients.

Sources for this article include:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday 7/10/13..."Cardio"

Run 1600
150 Dubs
50 Burpees

Run 800
100 Dubs
30 Burpees

Run 400
50 Dubs
20 Burpees

*We did this last October outside: Su - 49:00, matt + mo -51:47

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

tuesday 7/9/13...10 RFT: deadlift+push ups+KB swings

10 Rounds:

10 Deadlift 135/185
10 Push ups
10 KB swings
*Run 400 or Row 500 after each even round

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday 7/8/13....max rep pull ups + max rep HSPU then AMRAP/ Ladder-15

Single set of pull ups - max reps
Single set of HSPU/shoulder press - max reps


AMRAP / Ladder - 15

increase by one rep each round starting with one

GTOH (ground to overhead) w/plate 25/45
Slam ball 20/30

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thursday 7/4/13...hero WOD - "Daniel"

Happy 4th of July

50 pull ups
Run 400
21 Thrusters (95#)
Run 800
21 Thrusters
Run 400
50 pull ups

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday 7/3/13....Annie meets the farmer

"Annie meets the farmer"


Sit ups
Farmers Walk 100 meters after each round