Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday 8/30/13.....21-15-9-15-21 v-ups + step ups w/plates


v-ups w/medball
box step ups w/plates (25/35)
*do 20 lunges after each round

Top 8 GMO foods to avoid:

This is an old subject here at Natural News because reader’s are very educated on nutrition.  However, my patient base isn’t quite on to the basics and unfortunately, here in Indiana, many don’t even know what GMO means.  They certainly aren’t aware of the dangers of Monsanto and big pharma!!!  I encourage you to share this with family, friends and those not as savvy in the field.  Any little bit of information can help!!!
WHAT is a GMO?????

What is a GMO?
A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the product of a lab process that takes genes from on species and inserts them into another species to attain a desired trait. Viruses or bacteria are used to infect animal or plant cells with the new DNA. The DNA is coated with tiny metal pellets and shot into the cells. Then, the new DNA is injected into fertilized eggs and electric shocks create holes in the membranes of sperm forcing the new DNA into the holes. Although, no research on humans has shown detrimental effects from eating GMO foods, numerous studies on animals have shown immune damage, pre-cancerous cell growth and many unexplained anomalies.
For more information on the history of GMO’s visit HERE
Here are the top 8 GMO foods to avoid
1. CORN– corn is the most prominent genetically modified crop here in the US. Please know your farmer if you want good fresh sweet corn–and ask what type of seeds he uses.  Local farmer’s markets rock!!!
2. SOY–90% of soy is genetically engineered to be resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup.
3. SUGAR–since 2009, genetically modified beets have been used to make beet sugar.
4. ASPARTAME -not only is one of those toxic food additives, it is actually made from genetically modified bacteria.
5. PAPAYAS—yep, this wonderful fruit is exported here from Hawaii since 1999 and is genetically modified to be resistant to the Ringspot virus. They are banned in all European countries.
6. CANOLA– canola is made from rapeseed which is one of the most chemically modified and adapted oils.
7. DAIRY– 1/5 of all dairy cows are injected with rBGA growth hormone from Monsanto—Drink organic or plant-based. Remember that 93% of all soy is GMO— Silk Brand Soy milk is non-GMO.
8. ZUCCHINI AND YELLOW SQUASH– most are genetically modified to resist viruses.
Luckily, Connecticut and Maine have recently passed laws requiring manufacturers to label all products with Genetically Engineered ingredients.
4 Tips to avoiding GMO
1. Buy organic–labels saying 100% organic or made with organic ingredients
2. Buy Non GMO–labels saying “artificial hormone free”
3. Avoid high risk ingredients–corn, soybean, canola, cottonseed, sugar beets, corn syrup
4. Download shopping guide and get the app “ShopNoGMO”—a great app with plenty of good information and specific products to avoid.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday 8/28/13...SWOD - floor press 4x5, WOD - renegade rows + dubs

SWOD: Floor Press 4x5


Renegade Rows (left + right = 1 rep)
25 Dubs after each round

****  In addition to being an excellent exercise for your upper back and lats, the Renegade Row is a killer core exercise and a great chest exercise. Yes, even the chest is worked with the Renegade row. How is this possible? The chest is activated tremendously to stabilize the body for rowing with the Renegade Row. Don’t be surprised if you notice that your pecs are sorer than your lats the next day after doing Renegade Rows. Because you are off balance with the Renegade Row, the abdominal muscles are also worked tremendously to maintain balance. There are not too many upper body muscles that the Renegade Row does not work.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday 8/27/13...4 Rounds: 5x HSPU, 10 OHS, 15 KTE, Run 400

4 Rounds for time:

5 Hand stand push ups
10 Overhead squats
15 Knees to elbows
Run 400

This guy might be able to keep up with Jan - (this guy is now 74)

Athlete Profile: Jacinto Bonilla

Name: Jacinto Bonilla
Hometown: Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Age: 72
CrossFitting Since: August 2006
Favorite WOD or Movement: I don’t have a favorite workout. I think they’re all very challenging. The same goes for movements – I’ve never found one that I like over another. I know I’m good at bodyweight movements (like air squats, pushups, pull ups), but I wouldn’t necessarily say they are my favorite.
Least Favorite WOD or Movement: My least favorite WOD is Fran, everybody’s worst nightmare. My least favorite movement is the snatch. I have a shoulder issue and the snatch just aggravates it.
What is your fitness background? What were you doing before CrossFit?
I’ve always been in shape. My friends and I got into weightlifting around age 14. We’d play basketball at the Boys Club, go boxing on Saturday nights (where I used to hand out punishment!) and, of course, lift. As I grew up and got older, I tried all sorts of fitness endeavors – from karate to running marathons – but kept coming back to bodybuilding. I started circuit training and eventually came to try CrossFit.
I thought I was in pretty good shape until I started CrossFit. It kicked my ass and I loved it.
How have you changed since starting CrossFit Virtuosity?
Across the board, my technique has improved tremendously thanks to Keith’s exceptional coaching. I’d say the improvement is most noticeable with my clean, front squat, and overhead squat.
What seems to go hand-in-hand with improved technique is the ability to lift heavier. Keith always stresses that I have to get stronger – he pushes me to lift heavier than I’d ever do on my own. He pushes my limits, but at the same time stresses that I need to be flawless in my technique and form so I don’t get injured.
What are your goals for 2012? Where are you in terms of achieving them?
This year, my goal is to make the Finals for the Masters Division at the CF Games. The Games start Friday, we compete Friday and Saturday, and only the top 8 Masters competitors will advance to the Finals on Sunday.
It’s going to be an uphill battle to make it into the Finals – there are a lot of “young” 60-somethings who will be strong competitors. Most of them are just making it into the 60+ division age-wise which gives me at least 10 years on them.
Why do you enjoy competing?
It gives you something to look forward to while you’re training. Sometimes you don’t feel like training, but knowing that you have a competition coming up motivates you to train.
Not only do competitions keep me motivated, but they keep me young. Most people my age can hardly walk unassisted, nevermind workout. People think that being old means you’re out of shape and overweight, but I disagree. I want to keep fighting that stereotype, proving that you can be fit at my age.
Favorite competition?
I love the Open and the Games because it’s a worldwide competition – you can compare yourself to everyone else out there.
Any best CFV stories?
When I kick everybody’s butt in the 12:30PM class.
Other stories?
I’ve been getting some attention from the CrossFit community due to my age. A few years ago, the President of Estonia visited CF NYC to workout. When he was there, he asked the owner if he could meet me. He thought he was one of the oldest CrossFitters until he heard about me. I was flattered that the President of a country knew about and wanted to meet me!
Does your family do Crossfit?
My wife and children have all tried Crossfit – some have gotten into it more than others, but they’ve all given it a go.
What advice do you have for people just getting started?
For the younger folks I train, I say, “You’re going to get old whether you’re in shape or not. Would you rather be an in shape old guy or an out of shape old guy with pants up to your chest?” A lot of younger people exercise, get in great shape, and give it up when they get older. Don’t do that! Just stay in shape!
For the older folks, you’re never too old to get back in shape. Keep coming, even when you’re tired. Everything is scalable. You’ll end up doing things you never thought you could do – and you’ll feel great about it.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday 8/26/13...SWOD - box squats 3-3-3-3-3-3

SWOD - box squats:

10 Rounds:
5 Pull ups
10 box jumps
15 wallball

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday 8/25/13...."Badgie"

5 Rounds:

100 m farmer walk
200 m sprint
10 deadlifts
100 m farmer walk
200 m sprint
10 push press

*got this one from the WOD shop

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday 8/24/13....4 RFT - 15 HPC + 15 ball slams + 15 weighted sit ups + 15 DUBS

4 RFT:

15 hang power cleans
15 ball slams
15 weighted sit ups
15 DUBS/60 singles

*run 200/400 after each round

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday 8/23/13...... Let's do some cardio!

Run 1 mile
75 KB swings
Row 1000
60 Wall balls
Run 1 mile
45 Pull ups

this one looked good too

Row 1000
60 wallballs
Run 800
45 DB step ups each leg 40/20

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday 8/22/13....."Eureka"!

5 Rounds:
1 minute DUBS
1 minute HPC 135/95
1 minute push ups
1 minute rest

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday 8/20/13...."Sharknado"

Deadlift 225/155
Box jumps 30/24
*option - run 400 after each round

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday 8/19/13....Strength - Bench press 6x3...then AMRAP-15

SWOD - Bench press - 6x3


AMRAP - 15
15 plate ground to overhead 45/35
10 burpee
5 Toes to bar

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday 8/7/13.....Row, thrusters, box jumps

Warm up: 2 rounds
25 lunges
25 push ups

Strength: Front squat  2-2-2-2-2

WOD: 3 Rounds
Row 500 meters
15 Thrusters
30 Box jumps

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday 8/6/13 - AMRAP-20...snatch + pullups + wall ball

Warm up: 2 Rounds
 25 sit ups
25 back extensions

10 DB snatches each arm alternating (25/35)
10 Pull ups
10 Wall balls

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday 8/5/13.... slam balls + HPC

Slam balls (20/30)
Hang power Cleans (95/65)

*Run 200 after each round
*this video demonstrates how to do a slam ball w/the dynamax ball

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday 8/3/13.... Broomstick Mile or Prisoner of War



RUN 400

25 OHS

RUN 400


RUN 400


RUN 400
** use pvc pipe, body bar or empty bar


Prisoner of War

Run 400
100 Thrusters 65/35
100 push ups
Run 400
100 SDLHP 65/35
100 Sit ups
Run 400

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday 8/2/13...Renegade Row

10 Renegade Rows (35, 25) add the push up
8 Renegade Rows
6 Renegade Rows
4 Renegade Rows
2 Renegade Rows

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday 8/1/13....lunges, pull ups, sit ups

Strength: Floor press - 4-4-4-4-4

The floor press is an excellant and ideal movement for developing your pressing muscles because you can't cheat and use any leg drive.
The floor press is beneficial for working through sticking points 
in the bench press from midpoint to lockout.
With a more limited range of motion than a normal bench press, it allows the lifter focus on the top of the movement, which strengthens lockout and hammers triceps.
Additionally the floor press is a great movement for lifters who have shoulder problems 

Conditioning WOD:

pull ups

weighted sit ups or GHD sit ups

* lunge 30 steps after each round