Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday 9/30/13..."Big Helen"


3 to 5 rounds for time:

800 meter run
42 KB Swings
24 Pull-ups

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday - Make up Day

Let's make up a WOD that we missed this week.

How about "The Running Dead" or Thursdays (the HQ wod)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

saturday 9/28/13.....5 Rounds for total reps - 1 minute at each station: DB snatch,ball slam,jumping pull ups,shoulder press,squat jumps

Warm up: Run/Walk 400 meters @15%incline

WOD: 5 Rounds for max reps

1 minute DB snatch (alternating)
1 minute Ball slam 20/30
1 minute Jumping pull ups
1 minute Shoulder press
1 minute squat jumps
Rest 1 minute

Friday, September 27, 2013

friday 9/27/13 ..... Warm up 2 rounds: 15 wall ball, Run 200

Warm up:
2 Rounds -
15 wallballs + 200 meter run

Deadlift - 1 Rep max


5 Rounds for time
7 Hang power cleans
30 DUBS/120 singles

Three ways sleep deprivation can make you fat

Guest post by Joni Labbe, DC, the Thyroid Doctor
Finding it hard to lose weight?
Although many factors can hinder weight loss, one of the sneakier is sleep deprivation. Research shows people who regularly sleep five hours or less a night can gain as much as two pounds in a week. One study showed women who slept five or fewer hours were more likely to gain about 30 pounds over time compared to women who slept at least seven hours per night. Poor sleepers are also more prone to obesity-related diseases such as Type 2 diabetes.

Lack of sleep increases unhealthy snacking

Lack of sleep increases cravings so people snack more frequently, particularly at night—eating on average an extra 300 calories a day. The sleep-deprived also tend to eat a small breakfast and choose high-carbohydrate snacks, undoubtedly for that quick energy fix, both of which lead to blood sugar imbalances and weight gain.
As one would expect, study subjects who sleep seven or more hours per night also exercise more, and thus burn more calories, while sleep deprivation prevents you from burning calories efficiently.
One study of men showed sleep-deprivation reduced general energy expenditure by 5 percent, and reduced energy expenditure after meals by 20 percent. In other words, being tired slows your body’s metabolism down.

Sleep deprivation increases hunger

One of the more profound ways lack of sleep promotes weight gain is by influencing the hormones that control hunger and satiety. For instance, chronic sleep deprivation raises levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol tells the body it needs more energy to meet the demands of stress, which causes an increase of hunger and cravings.
Lack of sleep also increases grehlin, a hormone that promotes hunger and fat storage. In fact, one study showed that although sleep-deprived dieters could lose weight, they lost about a third of the weight compared to the healthy sleepers, thanks to grehlin’s fat storing actions.
Sleep deprivation also decreases leptin, the satiety hormone that tells you when you’ve had enough to eat. So in a double whammy, lack of sleep both increases hunger and inhibits the ability to feel full. The result is a natural inclination to eat more, and more frequently.
Adding insult to injury is that the body burns most of its calories during REM, the deeply restful stage of sleep when you dream. Unfortunately, weight gain due to sleep deprivation doesn’t only happen slowly over time. Research shows just a few nights of sleep deprivation can pack on pounds.

Lack of sleep promotes insulin resistance

Sleep deprivation makes fat cells less sensitive to insulin, the hormone that ushers glucose into cells so they can produce energy. In effect, it makes a person more insulin resistant, which is a stepping-stone to obesity and diabetes. After depriving subjects in their twenties of sleep, researchers said their fat cells behaved like those of someone 20 years older.
Sleep deprivation promotes weight gain in people of all ages, including children. Although sleeping more may not necessarily cause you to lose unwanted pounds, getting adequate sleep is a vital component to any weight loss program.
Ask my office how we can help you promote better sleep to aid you on your weight loss journey.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday 9/26/13...50 OHS,100 sit ups, 25 OHS, 50 TTB, 10 OHS, 20 GHD situps

from HQ:

for time - 

50 Overhead squats 45#
100 sit ups
25 Overhead squats 115#
50 Toes to bar
10 Overhead squats 185#
20 GHD sit ups

Pumpkin Caramel Bars

A spiced, pumpkin-y fall treat.
Pumpkin is one of my favorite fall foods — that and all the winter squashes. It tastes good savory, sweet, and for breakfast, lunch and dinner … oh, and dessert too! I’m so grateful for this harvest produce because it’s actually a starch that I can eat too. I can’t eat any sort of yam, sweet potato or regular potato, so squashes and pumpkin are my preferred carb sources (along with carrots, beets, and limited to moderate amounts of fruit). You must need to down mass loads of this stuff for your skin to turn orange though because I ate an insane amount of winter squash and pumpkin last fall/winter (nearly every day for at least one, but maybe two meals), and still didn’t turn orange! I wasn’t necessarily going for that look, but I was definitely aware of the idea of it happening.
For the pumpkin layer:
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1 cup pure pumpkin puree (canned or fresh)
  • 1/8 – 1/4 cup raw honey
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 2 Tbsp unsweetened sunflower seed butter (or almond butter)
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla
Caramel layer:
  • 10 – 12 medjool dates, pitted and soaked briefly in boiling water
  • 3 Tbsp water
  • 4 – 5 Tbsp full-fat coconut milk
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla
  • Dash of sea salt
  1. Mix coconut oil, honey, pumpkin and spices together in a small saucepan on the stove.
  2. After several minutes, once the ingredients are mixed together well, remove from heat and mix in sunflower seed butter and vanilla. Stir until everything is combined.
  3. Pour into an 8×8 pan or an 8 or 9-inch round baking pan. Place in the freezer to set.
  4. Meanwhile, get going on the caramel. Add dates to the food processor and pulse until they’re broken down.
  5. Add about half of the water and coconut milk and pulse to combine. Add the remaining water, coconut milk, vanilla and salt. Pulse until well combined.
  6. Take your pumpkin layer out of the freezer after 45 – 60 minutes and top with the date caramel. Place back in the freezer to set further. Store in the refrigerator (or freezer if you like a more solid/frozen bar — it’s good either way!)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday 9/25/13.....4 Rounds Run 400, 10 Thrusters, 20 dynamic push ups, 30 alternating lunges

SWOD: Box squats 6x3


4 Rounds
10 Thrusters (65/95)
20 Dynamic push ups
30 Alternating lunges
400 meter run

Think You’re Eating Healthy? Think Again!

Posted Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 06:38pm EDT
“Health Foods”
You think you’re being healthy by buying so called health foods, but do you really know what they’re made of? Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, V8, Snackwells, Powerbar, Luna, Smart Ones, Morningstar, Green Giant, Ocean Spray, and Quaker are just a few examples of the major brands who still use and support genetically modified organisms (GMO’s). You’ve probably heard about GMO’s, but do you realize these foods continue to alter your DNA even after you stop consuming them??
What does GMO mean?
…Buffalo who had been eating cotton for 8 years all die within 3 days of eating gmo cotton, Death rates double in chickens eating gmo’s, Thousands of sheep die within 30 days after switching to gmo cotton and autopsies show severe inflammation and black patches in both intestines and liver, Rats develop bleeding stomachs and die after eating gmo tomatoes for 2 weeks, Most baby rats died after mothers fed gmo soy, Thousands of pigs/cows/bulls/rats are now sterile after consuming gm corn……
Genetically Modified Organisms are plants or animals that have been bioengineered to merge DNA from different species. Some of these GM foods like corn and cotton are designed to produce their own pesticide in every cell so that the bugs that eat them will die. Almost all other countries declined using gmo’s since there is no evidence proving that they’re safe, but the US decided otherwise in the early 90′s and we’ve all been part of the science experiment ever since. As time goes by more and more studies prove those other countries were all right. 
If we eat gmo foods OUR DNA becomes altered permanently just likein animals. The GM soy gene transfers into our intestinal dna and continues to produce pesticides even after you stop eating gmo foods. GMO’s are in at least 80% of processed foods if not more. If we keep supporting these companies nothing will change, except for the increased number of miscarriages, spontaneous abortions, infertility, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, and food allergies that have been on the rise since the induction of gmo’s. The incidence of people who experience 3 or more chronic diseases nearly doubled in the first 9 years since the introduction of gmo’s. Sperm counts have dropped as much as 50% since the 1970′s. 85% decline in monarch butterfly populations since RoundUp was introduced. Death, massive tumors, infertility, intestinal hemorrhaging where the animals bleed out in minutes are all occurring with gmo diets. What else do we need to see?? Should we trust a product that comes from the makers of Agent Orange, PCB’s, Aspartame, and DDT’s?? I could go on all day, but these were just a few facts I wanted to share with you. I know you’re probably thinking it’s impossible to avoid these products, but I’ve done it and I know you can too.
How can you afford organic?
I used to be such a penny pincher, cutting coupons, and buying what I thought were healthy foods. Once I learned that 95% of soy and 90% of corn were gmo I realized that pretty much any processed product had one or both of these ingredients. Corn syrup is in just about everything and all those coupons are geared towards these gmo items. So I stopped wasting my time on coupons, stopped buying processed foods which are loaded with additives to increase addictiveness, and just stuck with whole foods. I quickly learned that we fill up faster on real whole organic food so while organic may be more expensive, we’re not buying the processed junk that was just as expensive if not more. Then I found a local organic farmer who sells better quality food for about half the price most grocery stores charge. Many studies prove organic foods have far more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants vs. non organic and the sooner we eat them after harvesting the higher these nutrients will be.
Now the rest of my essentials can be found online. With amazon subscriptions I can get basics like toilet paper, almonds, organic bars, vinegar, and baking soda automatically delivered each month with an extra %15 off. I prefer buying organic chicken broth online because I can choose to purchase the 8 ounce containers in bulk instead of a large container from the local store that I won’t be able to use before it spoils. Organic apple chips on amazon are cheaper than I’ve found anywhere else. TJMaxx also carries an organic section with coconut oil, quinoa and buckwheat crackers, goldenberries, chia seeds, flax and more.
Where do I start?
Start by educating your family.
Go local. Get to know your farmers or grown your own.
Experiment with new foods. Try rutabaga fries instead of potatoes, zucchini noodles instead of pasta, cauliflower instead of rice.
Clean out the pantry and the fridge. There are safe replacements for just about anything, you just have to look for them.
After a short time on organics and allowing your body to heal your immune response will be much stronger than before, if you slip up and eat garbage again your body will definitely let you know.
You are worth a few extra dollars to not have your intestines hemorrhage or to be able to have children one day.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday 9/24/13..."The Running Dead"

"The running dead"

800 meter run
50 Deadlift
50 Pull ups
50 Sit ups
400 meter run
25 deadlift
25 Pull up
25 Sit up
200 meter run
15 deadlift
15 Pull up
15 Sit up

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday 9/23/13..... 1 - 10 - 1.......Plate GTOH 45/35, Burpee

Warm up: Run/Walk 400 meters on treadmill at highest incline

SWOD: Bench press 5x4


1 - 10 -1
Plate (45/35) ground to overhead