Saturday, September 28, 2013

saturday 9/28/13.....5 Rounds for total reps - 1 minute at each station: DB snatch,ball slam,jumping pull ups,shoulder press,squat jumps

Warm up: Run/Walk 400 meters @15%incline

WOD: 5 Rounds for max reps

1 minute DB snatch (alternating)
1 minute Ball slam 20/30
1 minute Jumping pull ups
1 minute Shoulder press
1 minute squat jumps
Rest 1 minute

1 comment:

  1. We looked like the lady in this picture. Felt like we might faint/puke

    Total reps=
    Jo - 622
    Mo - 703
    Jan - 862
    This was a good one for Dotty to miss. Don't want to discourage her :)))
