Saturday, July 8, 2017

saturday 7/8/17.....#1. Floor press, #2. Renegade rows

SWOD: Floor Press 4x5


Renegade Rows (left + right = 1 rep)
25 Dubs after each round

****  In addition to being an excellent exercise for your upper back and lats, the Renegade Row is a killer core exercise and a great chest exercise. Yes, even the chest is worked with the Renegade row. How is this possible? The chest is activated tremendously to stabilize the body for rowing with the Renegade Row. Don’t be surprised if you notice that your pecs are sorer than your lats the next day after doing Renegade Rows. Because you are off balance with the Renegade Row, the abdominal muscles are also worked tremendously to maintain balance. There are not too many upper body muscles that the Renegade Row does not work.

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