Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday 9/26/17.... Pull ups, high pulls + push press

#1. Amrap -5
       3 pull ups every 30 seconds for 5 minutes

#2. Amrap -10 Ladder
       high pulls + push press
* 1,1 2,2 3,3 4,4 ...climbing for 10 minutes

Cash out: Tabata shrugs

The Moment you find the perfect avocado at the supermarket - Diet and Fitness Humor, Gym Memes, Whole Foods, Organic Food, Weight Loss, Fat, Weight Watchers, Natural Health, Healthy, Gains, Exercise, Workout, Fit Girl, Fit Mom, Protein, Training, Beachbody, Health, Active, Nutrition, Nike, Adidas

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