Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Tuesday 5/31/16... Back squats + pull ups
Back Squat: 2-2-2-2-2
WOD for time:
Back squat (135/95)
Pull ups
Monday, May 30, 2016
Monday 5/30/16... EMOM-30: front squats, push jerks, dubs,wall balls
5 front squats (115/75#)
5 push jerks
10 wallballs

Sunday, May 29, 2016
Sunday 5/29/16.... Swinging Annie
DUBS ( 3x singles)
Sit Ups
* 10 KB swings after each round
Top 5 reasons kettlebell training is good for your back:
1. Kettlebell exercises strengthen the glutes – most people have “gluteal amnesia”…weak and flabby buns!
2.Kettlebell exercises stretch the hip flexors. – the muscles at the tops of your thighs
3.Kettlebells develop back extensor endurance. – your low back muscles must be able to “work” for long periods of time (hence, kettlebell swing-throughs)
4.”Bracing” is superior to hollowing for spinal stability. – bracing is like getting your abs ready to be punched by a bully.
5. Sensible ballistic loading appears to reduce the odds of arthritis. – ballistic meaning not staying still – and like I always say, “Motion is Lotion” keep moving to ward off arthritis!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Saturday 5/28/16.... #1. Deadlift, #2. Ab mat sit ups + back extensions
#1. SWOD - Deadlift program
#2. 4 rounds for time
25 Abmat sit ups
25 Back extensions
Friday, May 27, 2016
Friday 5/27/16...."Murph"
Run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile

Run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile
Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy
The Murph hero WOD was originally posted on CrossFit.com on August 18th, 2005 by Lauren Glassman. The description read as follows:
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
Tips And Tricks
For most of the population Murph’s 200 pushups are the limiting factor. Many athletes will bite off more than they can chew attempting to break them up in to sets of 20. By the time they’ve accumulated the first 100 pushups they are struggling to string three together at a time.
Pushup burnout can be prevented by partitioning the workout wisely. Listed below are some rep schemes to consider:
The 5-10-15 scheme is probably the most common pattern people succeed with. This mirrors the rep scheme of the CrossFit benchmark workout Cindy:
20 rounds of
5 pullups
10 pushups (If you are new to Murph, be smart and shake out your arms after five reps, from the very beinging).
15 squats
20 rounds of
5 pullups
10 pushups (If you are new to Murph, be smart and shake out your arms after five reps, from the very beinging).
15 squats
If pushups are a particular challenge for you consider the following scheme
20 rounds of
5 pushups
5 pullups
5 pushups
15 squats
20 rounds of
5 pushups
5 pullups
5 pushups
15 squats
Similar to the 5-5-5-15
20 rounds of
5 pullups
5 squats
5 pushups
10 squats
5 pushups
20 rounds of
5 pullups
5 squats
5 pushups
10 squats
5 pushups
What To Expect
Times vary quite a bit on Murph. The mile route will of course be a big factor in determining your time. As a rough guideline though consider the following for an athlete (male or female) completing the workout without a weight vest:
+70 Minutes Beginner
40-70 Minutes Intermediate
30-40 Minutes Advanced
30 Minutes or less Elite
40-70 Minutes Intermediate
30-40 Minutes Advanced
30 Minutes or less Elite
*last year we did this at CFSS
Suze - 64 minutes
Mo - 67 minutes
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Thursday 5/26/16.... AMRAP-15 Push press, box jumps,run 200
WOD #1: AMRAP-15
10 Push press (115/75)
10 box jumps
Run 200
WOD #2: 4 rounds
25 ab mat situps
25 back extensions
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Wednesday 5/25/16.... #1.Deadlifts, #2. 10 rounds - squat cleans, deadlifts, dubs
#1. strength: Deadlift progression - week2 day2
#2. WOD - 10 rounds for time
2 squat cleans (165/110)
5 Deadlifts (165/110)
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Tuesday 5/24/16.... OHS, TTB, DUBS
AMRAP- 10 minutes
4 OVERHEAD SQUATS (115#/75#)
Cash out: 30 sit ups, 30 Russian twists, 30 sit ups
Monday, May 23, 2016
Monday 5/23/16... #1. Back squat, #2. Snatch/burpees, thrusters/dubs, bench press/row
#1. Back squat: 6x4
#2. WOD: For total time:
#2. WOD: For total time:
3 rounds of:
20 DB snatch
20 Bar Burpees
20 Bar Burpees
4 rounds of:
15 Thrusters
15 Double Unders
15 Double Unders
5 rounds of:
10 Bench press
150 M Row
150 M Row
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Sunday 5/22/16..... Chipper
For time:
Row 1000 meters
60 ab mat sit ups
50 air squats
40 ball slams (30/20)
30 pull ups
20 stone over shoulders
10 front squats (185/135)
Row 1000 meters
60 ab mat sit ups
50 air squats
40 ball slams (30/20)
30 pull ups
20 stone over shoulders
10 front squats (185/135)
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Saturday 5/21/16...#1. Deadlift, #2. HSPU, DUBS, KB swings
#1. Strength: Deadlift
#2. Conditioning: for time
AMRAP (as many reps as possible) HSPU - sub strict press
* rest :30 seconds
3 Rounds:
30 DUBS + 15 push ups
* rest :30 seconds
AMRAP- HSPU/ strict press
* rest :30 seconds
3 Rounds:
30 DUBS + 15 KB swings
* rest :30 seconds
AMRAP- HSPU/strict press
There are plenty of watered-down excuses for not drinking enough H2O each day. "I add water when making my coffee.” Or, “I’m afraid of water poisoning.” And our personal favorite: “It was raining. So I’m good for the day.”
While there are countless rationales people give for not regularly drinking water, there are also a number of reasons why you need to stay hydrated—among them, for glowing skin, good metabolism, and mental acuity.
Generally speaking, a healthy man needs approximately 125 ounces of water every day and a healthy woman requires about 91 ounces—which sounds like a lot. But, when you add some flavor, plain old water transforms into something a little more exciting and tasty. In particular, adding lemon zest or juice (or even a little lemon essential oil) steps it up even further, giving your drink a more citrusy flavor and a number of other surprising health benefits.
9 benefits of drinking lemon water
Jumpstart your metabolism
Drinking two glasses of room temperature water first thing in the morning awakens organs and increases metabolic rates by as much as 30 percent. Adding lemon will also provide a dose of pectin, a fiber found in some fruits that helps to fight hunger pangs. So, why warm water? It’s easier to handle on an empty stomach. Drinking cold water the rest of the day is fine; in fact, your body burns even more calories as it labors to heat the fluid.
Flush toxins from vital organs
While you sleep, your liver and other vital organs are still actively eliminating toxins. Drinking water in the morning promotes circulation and enables your body to flush those metabolic byproducts away rather than holding onto them. With a dash of lemon, the extra alkaline content also helps to restore your body’s pH balance and encourages the liver to replenish the bile that was used overnight to break down fats.
Feel more energetic
Many of us get crabby without our morning coffee, but the effects of caffeine are short-lived and usually vanish by lunch. Instead of reaching for caffeinated soda, pour yourself a glass of lemon water. Citric acid has the same energy-boosting effect without the impending crash—and as an added bonus, it won’t dehydrate you.
Give your immune system a boost
Lemons are loaded with antioxidants that fight damaging free radicals and keep the body healthy. Of the bunch, vitamin C is probably the most well known, but lemons also contain:
- Calcium
- Copper
- Folate
- Iron
- Pectin
- Potassium
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
Mayo Clinic recommends that adult males receive 90 milligrams of vitamin C each day, and adult females 75 milligrams, which can be easily imbibed in lemon water. The exact amount of vitamin C you get from a glass of lemon water will depend on how diluted it is, but adding a few drops of essential lemon oil is a great way to meet the requirements and give your immune system the boost it needs to stave off sickness and infection.
Increase your mental acuity
Another benefit of drinking water is that it increases your brain power and keeps you firing on all cylinders. Approximately 75 percent of the brain is made up of water, so when you are dehydrated your cognitive powers suffer. A study conducted at the University of East London shows that drinking water before an academic exam increased mental abilities by 14 percent. Lemon is also packed with potassium—a nutrient crucial to nerve and brain functions, so drinking a glass of lemon water before an important meeting will lower stress levels and boost your mood.
Improve your complexion
More than half of our body weight is water, much of which is contained in our skin. Dehydration makes skin appear dry, saggy, and wrinkly. With proper hydration, however, it appears firmer and more radiant. Adding lemon to water will smooth out your complexion even more. Since vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, it helps your body create collagen, which improves elasticity.
And, if you happen to find a blemish, you can get a natural quick fix by dabbing a drop of the lemon essential oil on the affected spot—lemon’s antiseptic properties quickly dry out acne.
Breathe easier
The upper respiratory system is comprised of the nose, throat, and ears. It’s uncomfortable to breathe when the mucus membranes are too dry, but staying properly hydrated keeps everything in your upper respiratory system lubricated so that you can breathe easier. When you drink lemon water, the natural antioxidants found in citrus will also help relieve discomfort from asthma and allergies and help you fight off respiratory ailments such as:
- Bronchitis
- Tonsillitis
- Sore throat
- Cold and cough
- Influenza
Improve digestion
If you ate too much at last night’s dinner party and are paying for it today, drink a glass of warm lemon water after every meal. Doing so stimulates bile production and normalizes the level of hydrochloric acid in your stomach—both of which aid in digestion. You can also add a pinch of Himalayan salt to stimulate glands and assist with the process.
Once food is digested, the water will keep things moving in your gastrointestinal tract, preventing constipation. Drinking a glass after meals also clears your palate and kills bacteria that can cause bad breath.
Control calories
Soda, juice, coffee, and other beverages are laden with empty calories. Even diet soda, which might seem like a healthy alternative by saving you plenty of calories, has tons of artificial sweeteners that are bad for both your teeth and body. A tall glass of lemon water, on the other hand, contains just one calorie and promotes better health.
How to make lemon water
It sounds simple, but making lemon water is more than just cutting citrus wedges and throwing them into a glass. The greatest detox agents are actually concentrated in lemon skin, which contains limonoids—a natural compound found in citrus that has been shown to fight cancer cells.
There are two different ways to harness the power of the peel, either by zesting a fresh lemon yourself or buying a bottle of lemon essential oil. Here’s how to use both:
Fresh lemon
Wash any store-bought fruit thoroughly with water. Grate the lemon peel for zest and add one teaspoon to eight ounces of water. Then, cut the lemon and squeeze juice from two wedges into your glass (check out our easy tip). If desired, add more juice to taste.
Lemon essential oil
Lemon essential oil is also extracted from lemon peels. Cold-pressing one ton of fresh lemon yields six or seven pounds of oil. Because the concentration is so high, you only need to add a few drops of food-grade oil to a glass of water. But first you'll want to make sure that your oil is edible. Some brands will say "not for internal use," while others, like NOW Solutions' variety, are technically food-grade since they are made purely from lemons. The concentration will be strong so be sure to dilute the oil before drinking. As well, drinking lemon water can take some getting used to, so you may want to start with a single drop and work your way up to two or three.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Friday 5/20/16..... #1. Farmer carry, #2. wall ball + pull ups
#1. Strength: Farmers carry
(work up to a max weight for 50 ft)
#2. Conditioning:
5 Rounds for time
20 Wallball
10 pull ups
Cash out:
Plank 1 minute
30 sit ups
Plank 1 minute
Happy Birthday Patrick!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Thursday 5/19/16... #1. Back squat, #2. Thrusters + row
#1. Strength: Back squat 5x5
#2. Conditioning: 5 Rounds for time
10 Thrusters (95/65)
10 calorie row
from Natural news
6 Natural Ways to Boost Dopamine Levels and Amplify Brain Productivity
Did you know that our sense of accomplishment and happiness is not actually dependent on what we do and how we do, which apparently to us seems to be the case, but science has established that this is due to dopamine; a neurotransmitter that controls the brain centre responsible for regulating our motivation, mobility, optimistic approach and emotions. There is a certain level of dopamine that is regarded as normal; usually chemically balanced with its competitive neurotransmitter called serotonin.
Drop in levels of dopamine can result in lack of motivation, an overall blissful feel, and low energy levels and last but not the least, uplifting emotions. All these symptoms can fall under the definition of depression and pessimism.
Other implications of low levels of dopamine can be monitored in ADHD, Bipolar disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Schizophrenia, and many others. In a way dopamine is the human brain’s power to maintain a healthy outlook towards life. But wait, can’t it be provided to someone if anyone suffers from its deficiency? Unfortunately, dopamine on its own can’t be taken; it is only produced by the brain.
However, saying that shouldn’t be distressing, as although we can’t take it from any external source, its levels can be boosted in the body through distinct ways. Isn’t that exciting? Let’s have a close look at some of the natural ways to amplify motivation, focus and brain activity.
1. Exercise For Healthy Mind and Body
The benefits of exercise and physical activity are quite hard to ignore if one intends to live healthier and perhaps longer. We have already heard much about how exercise relieves stress and irritability to make anyone highly productive but the fact that it augments dopamine levels inside the brain is a surprise.
Exercise helps increase oxygen and dopamine level in the brain. You can also say that regular exercise (not necessarily strenuous) can keep our bodily fun chemicals (endorphins, serotonin and of course dopamine) to be released actively, thereby giving a dramatic anti-depressant effect.
This primarily can become the reason of why even during pregnancy exercise is of significant importance. Recently, according to Canadian research, a newborn’s brain functioning has impacts of mother’s exercising routines at different stages of fetal development during her pregnancy. According to researches, babies start to learn and absorb information in their last few weeks of pregnancy, it makes it important for mothers to build a bond with them that not only aids their physical health, but also positively impacts their mental capabilities.
2. Meditation
At times, doing nothing is actually doing something for the brain. Yes, we’re talking about physically performing no activity but mentally concentrating to sort out your thoughts. Like people susceptible to addictions such as for drugs or alcohol can also develop addiction to over thinking.
Such people are referred by Buddhists as “Monkey minds”, those find it difficult to focus and can easily be distracted. Treatment of such an addiction also includes enhancing dopamine levels, for which meditation, self- reflection and praying are of immense importance.
3. Eat food containing Tyrosine
Increasing the chemical “tyrosine”, the building block of dopamine, should be one of the primary targets if anyone desires to amplify dopamine level and brain functioning. Tyrosine is a protein which can easily be found in many food items (listed as under) hence, including these foods in your diet plan will surely get you a healthier and productive mind:
- Chicken
- Chocolate
- Almonds
- Eggs
- Green tea
- Water melon
- Milk
- Tea
- Yogurt
- Avocados
4. Sense of Accomplishment
One always feels contended, happier and relieved after finishing any task, be it related to your work or any routine activity, human brain is bound to feel wonderful on its completion. This means that dopamine is usually released when you sense accomplishment.
Therefore, to stimulate your body for secreting more dopamine, plan or organize small tasks rather than unrealistic targets.
Prepare a short to-do list on daily basis and stick to it. After finishing each task, one at a time, put a check mark in front of it as this will keep you motivated throughout the day due to increase of dopamine levels.
5. Addiction of anything and for anything is bad
Excess of anything is bad even if it’s the sense of pleasure. Human beings have a greater tendency of developing a habit of anything; from ingesting a substance to performing an act, for the sake of pleasure.
When a person starts repeating any particular activity time over again for gratification his brain on long term creates adaptability for releasing dopamine only when he does that act and not naturally.
This, if continued, decreases natural production of dopamine there by making a person feel low esteemed and less productive under normal circumstances. For example, if a person gets addicted to any drug, alcohol, shopping, playing or anything else he will not be able to focus on other happenings of life thus interrupting the normal life cycle.
6. Drinking limited amount of Caffeine
Though over drinking of caffeine is not considered good, since it decreases the blood flow to brain and can promptly develop tolerance, but limited intake of caffeine (approximately 100mg or 1 cup black coffee) can actually prove to be beneficial for memory recall.
Caffeine is known to block a CNS receptor that binds to a compound called adenosine which results inhibition of adenosine. This inhibitory effect in turn stimulates production of dopamine and glutamates helping you stay alert and in a pleasurable state of mind.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Wednesday 5/18/16.......#1. Deadlift 5x5, #2. AMRAP-10
#1. deadlift 5x5
#2. AMRAP-10
6 power cleans
6 Barbell push ups
#3. Tabata Abs
sit ups + plank alternating
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Tuesday 5/17/16....."Man-Up"
for time: "Man-Up"
21 ring dips
6 KB swings (36#)
9 renegade man makers
15 ring dips
12 KB swings
6 renegade man makers
9 ring dips
18 KB swings
3 renegade man makers
Monday, May 16, 2016
Monday 5/16/16... #1. Back squat 5x5, #2. Wallball, lunge, burpees
#1. Back squat: 5x5 ( heavier than last time)
#2. WOD: 4 rounds for time
20 wallball
20 walking lunges
20 burpees
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Sunday 5/15/16 #1. Deadlift, #2.Partner WOD
#1. deadlift 5x5
#2. Partner WOD: from Crossfit Kells
100 push press(75/45) while partner holds a Pull-up bar hang
100 SDLHP while partner holds a Plank position
100 pullups while partner holds a Wall sit
100 double unders while a partner holds a Hollow rock position
100 air squats while a partner holds a plate overhead
The Only Way I Drink Coffee...
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A delicious and creamy coffee that packs a powerful nutritional punch!
Author: Wellness Mama
Recipe type: Drinks
Serves: 1
- 1 cup of organic coffee, herbal coffee or chai tea
- 1 teaspoon coconut oil (or more, I usually put in 2-3 tablespoons)
- 1 Tablespoon organic grass-fed unsalted butter (I get it here)
- ¼ tsp vanilla
- a few drops of stevia extract (optional)
- Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Mix on high speed for 20 seconds until frothy. Drink immediately and enjoy all the energy!
Saturday, May 14, 2016
saturday 5/14/16... #1. farmers walk + DUBS, #2. AMRAP-10: snatch, TTb, KB swings
#1. 4 Rounds:
100 meter farmers walk
#2. AMRAP-10
6 DB snatch (each arm)
12 KB swings
This is how we do the push up challenge on Friday afternoon @ SSH
Friday, May 13, 2016
friday 5/13/16...#1. "Jackie" #2. 3RFT - 20 HSPU, 20 TTB, 200 Run
#1. "Jackie"
1000 meter row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Pull ups
#2. 3 RFT
20 HSPU (sub strict shoulder press)
20 Toes to bar
200 Run
12 Power-Packed Vegetables and Fruits Peels
There are many benefits of banana peels. Banana peels contain vitamins B6 and B12, magnesium, and potassium. The peel also contains more fiber than the banana flesh, which can help aid digestion. Another benefit of banana peels is that they contain tryptophan, which can increase your serotonin levels, which researchers have found impacts your mood. Having good blood serotonin levels can help reduce the risk of depression due to this mood-stabilizing effect.
If you’re brave, you can eat a banana peel raw. For the rest of us, boil the peel for a few minutes, then blend it into a smoothie with other fruits.
What makes tomato peels so healthy is actually what gives them their red color, lycopene, Lycopene is a super-efficient antioxidant found primarily in cooked tomatoes. It is linked to a consistently lower risk of cancer, and lycopene fights the cell damage that causes degenerative diseases like heart disease, premature aging, cancer and cataracts.
Since the skin of a carrot is the same color as what’s directly beneath it (like a tomato or a red pepper), the peel and its flesh have similar nutritional properties. However, the highest concentration of phytonutrients is found in a carrot’s skin or immediately underneath. Just rinse the carrot thoroughly rather than peeling it.
The papery skin contains more antioxidants than the onion itself. It’s especially rich in quercetin, which may reduce blood pressure and prevent arterial plaque.
Simmer in stocks, soups, and stews for additional flavor; discard the skins before serving.
The peel contains more than four times as much fiber as the fruit inside, and more tangeretin and nobiletin—flavonoids with anticancer, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. A 2004 study on animals suggests that these nutrients may even reduce harmful LDL cholesterol better than some prescription drugs.
The problem, of course, is that orange peels don’t taste as good as the fruit itself. To avoid the bitter taste, break off a piece of orange peel, grate it, and sprinkle it onto your salads or vegetables. This orange zest can enhance any dish, and even tastes good mixed into cookies or cake.
A potato’s skin packs more nutrients—iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C—ounce-for-ounce than the rest of the potato. For example, 100 grams of potato peel packs seven times more calcium and 17 times more iron than the same amount of potato flesh. Ditch the skin and you’ll also lose up to 90 percent of a potato’s iron content and half of its fiber.
Red Grapes
Red grapes have some wonderful health benefits, but make sure to choose organic, if you can, because pesticides are easily absorbed in grapes.
Resveratrol is a phytochemical found in the highest concentrations in the skin of red grapes.
Researchers believe that it has powerful antioxidant capabilities and can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol as well as reduce your risk for heart disease. Other studies show that resveratrol inhibits damage caused by exposure to the heavy metal cadmium.
Resveratrol is a phytochemical found in the highest concentrations in the skin of red grapes.
Researchers believe that it has powerful antioxidant capabilities and can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol as well as reduce your risk for heart disease. Other studies show that resveratrol inhibits damage caused by exposure to the heavy metal cadmium.
Apple peels contain 87% more cancer-fighting phytochemicals than the apple itself, and apple peel is considerably tastier than orange or kiwi peel, so there’s really no excuse to miss out on the health benefits of apple peel.
Next time you want a snack, choose a cucumber—and don’t peel it. Cucumber peels contain silica, a chemical that helps build collagen, which is vital for making your skin last longer than ever. Even one cucumber peel—which is about five milligrams of silica—will make a difference. Make sure to wash cucumber peels carefully, and if you can afford it, buy organic, because non-organic cucumbers in particular are coated with wax to make them last longer.
Luckily, the health benefits of watermelon peel are not the hard, green peel itself—the health benefits of this fruit peel lies in the white rind that you probably leave behind when you’re done munching on a watermelon slice. Don’t forget to eat the white rind, because it contains the amino acid citruline, which helps dilate blood vessels to improve your body’s circulation.
If you’ve never tried kiwi peel, now’s the perfect time. This fuzzy peel contains chemicals that are known for fighting infections like E. coli and Staphylococcus (staph infection). Instead of eating it raw and whole, peel the kiwi and mix it into your smoothie. You can also try cutting kiwi peel into very thin slices and adding it to your salad or vegetable stir fry.
Researchers found that mango skin contains properties similar to resveratrol, which helps burn fat and inhibits the production of mature fat cells. Mango flesh extracts were also tested, but did not produce the same results, which suggests that one needs to eat mango skin in order to get this beneficial property.
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