Monday, April 30, 2012

Dan's WOD:

30 Min. AMRAP

20 push press w/ 45lb bar
15 2-count lunges
10 burpees
5 pull ups
400m run with 20lb medicine ball


  1. Hey Dan did your girls use the 45# bar for their push press? I used 27# . Maybe too light but after running with the med ball I never would have got the press reps unbroken. I got 4 rounds but time ran out while I was running. Good Monday WOD!

  2. 5 rounds + 20 push-press, good one Dan!

  3. No they used the shorter bar, which I think is either 30lb or 35lb... not sure which. Did an easy one tonight: 5 rounds of 20 push ups, 20 box jump, 20 53lb KB, and 20 GHD. My platoon workout is tomorrow morning, so I'll keep you guys posted with what we do!
