Sunday, April 8, 2012


100 Air squats
90 Double unders/360 singles
80 Push-ups
70 Wall Ball shots
60 Jumping pull-ups
50 Thrusters 45lb. bar bell
40 Walking lunges
30 Box jumps
20 Burpees
10 Handstand push-ups/Strict db military press

* Substitute a 400m run for any exercise if you want.


  1. Holy sh*t, that was a lot harder than I remember! Maybe we shouldn't have switched 70 situps for 70 wall balls lol. You missed a good one Brian. Good to see Sue doing a modified version of Painstorm. RX'd - 36:25 (no runs)

  2. It definitely would have been faster for me without the wall ball and full pullups (who's idea was THAT?). Great workout though! Think I finished around 48 minutes as RX'd. I'm off until Thursday, see you then.

  3. The 70 wall balls did me in. Around 48 minutes...... substituting the burpees and box jumps w/a 400 meter run. My legs were so shakey i couldn"t jump over a line on the floor. How did Mitch do? He did a good job keeping up w/Ashley
