Wednesday, April 25, 2012

For April 26, 2012

21-18-15-12... down to 3

Burpee-Squat Clean-Thrusters  (DB or Barbell)

RX = 40% of Body Weight


  1. Did last Tuesdays workout with my guys and gals today... 4 rounds of 15 wall ball, 20 pull ups, 20 burpees. I kicked their butts and wasn't even moving that fast. Gotta get them in Crossfit shape. 20:02 for me.

  2. 30 min. with 85 lb. Barbell. A little more than RX'd weight, but I think it's easier with the barbell. Don't get me wrong, this WOD is brutal.

    Keep kicking their butts Dan, if you have the equip. have them do today's WOD, a few of them should puke lol. We want to do the WOD you guys did last week that you posted here sometime soon. Stay well.

  3. A 1 mile "warmup" run followed by 37 mins with a 65 # barbell. That was pretty rough! I could have stayed for the full 60 minutes to cheer my comrades on but no one else worked out with us and I was the last one done. I don't want to get yelled at and am confused about what I'm supposed to do in that situation. :)
