Wednesday, April 11, 2012

For Time:
25 Burpees
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
25 Weighted pull-ups with a 20 pound dumbbell
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
25 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
25 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
25 Burpees


  1. Great WOD today. It was better than it looked. Took me around 30 minutes with the 10# dynamax ball. Matt and Bonnie would like this one.

  2. That was a good one and it incorporated strength. I'd much rather run with a 25 lb. plate than a 20 lb. dynamax ball, there's no easy way to carry the f-ing thing!

  3. yeah, I was tempted to hand my ball over to that nice guy who stopped in the pick up truck. He offered to throw it in the back for me. Is Matt back tomorrow or Friday?

  4. Haha sounds like you guys are making friends at Globo Gym.

    Did deck of cards with my Marines this AM:

    jumping air squats for diamonds, push ups off the ground for clubs, two count lunges for hearts, and different ab exercises for spades. We were in a basketball gym, so we did suicide sprints for jokers. All the high card lunges and jumping air squats came at the end so we were all limping a bit out of there.

  5. Hey Dan, glad to see you're still checking in. You and your Marines sound like you're kicking serious ass! THANK YOU so much for you and your Marine's service. Jim never showed up for a WOD over Easter w/e. I don't blame him... 10x globo gym probably scared him off ;) 10x isn't that bad actually and that's where CFSS started . There are several CF minded people w/o too and the new management has actually let us do our thing lately (still a lot of strange looks though lol).

  6. Not a slacker, I just ran all weekend instead and let my body relax a bit, Ill be back at the end of May. Going to do this one now at my gym, will definitely get a lot of looks for running with a medicine ball, o well.

  7. Hey Jim, you are out there. We'll see you at the end of May.

    I'm off to Amelia Island so Maureen is going to be the gym boss this week. She sent me a bunch of good WOD's that will auto post around 7 every night. Wish I was gonna be here, there are some good ones.

  8. yeah thats right! I am the new gym boss and I want everyone to show up on time!

  9. I'll be back there tomorrow, got home from FL last night and had a bunch of things I had to deal with at the new building this morning.
