Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday 2/17/15... back squat, bench press, 100 meter sprints

1.  Back Squat
*in between sets do 5 weighted step ups each leg
2.  Bench
3.  100m Sprints
10 x 100m, OTM - Record fastest and slowest times.

Where is my six-pack?

Here are the rules:
1. Take a front and side picture of your stomach
2.Do 100 situps everyday, 6 days on 1 day off.
3.Retake the pictures of your stomach.
4.If you don't see a definition, then it is all diet for you, so eat right.
5. If you see a definition, you can control your abs through exercise,but you still have to eat right.
Definition or not, you will all have a stronger core!!!!

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