Friday, July 31, 2015

friday 7/31/15... #1. EMOM x10 - ball slams + KB swing #2 AMRAP-5: power cleans, front squats, push press/jerk

#1. EMOM x10
     even - 15 ball slams
     odd - 10 KB swings

The medicine ball slam is done for developing power, strength, and speed. It works best for triceps, abdomen, shoulders, calves, back, glutens, quads, etc. This exercise increases heartbeat and burns a good number of calories.

#2. 5 Rounds:

 2 power cleans 185/135#
 2 front squats
2 jerk/push press

#3. Partner sit up ball toss - 100

from hold the grain - 

spiced carrot coconut truffles

Prep time:  
Total time:  
  • 1 Cup shredded carrot (2-3 carrots)
  • 1 Cup walnuts
  • 1 Cups sunflower seeds
  • ¾ Cup dates
  • ½ Cup raisins
  • 2 Tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 Teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ Teaspoon nutmeg
  • ¼ Teaspoon ginger
  • ½ Teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • Pinch sea salt
  • ¾ Cup shredded coconut (unsweetened)
Method 1:
  1. Peel and cut 2-3 carrots (about what would equal 1 cup shredded) into ½ inch pieces. Toss all the ingredients, excluding the shredded coconut, into a Vitamix and process until all the ingredients are well combined, and no large chunks remain.
  2. Place the shredded coconut into a bowl. Scoop out a piece of the dough (I used a cookie dough scoop), roll into a ball and roll in the shredded coconut to coat. Place the truffle onto a lined baking sheet and repeat until all the dough is used up. Place your truffles in the fridge to cool.
  3. The dough will be really sticky, so don't be afraid to get your hands a little messy!
Method 2:
  1. Peel and shred the carrots.
  2. Place all the ingredients, excluding the carrot and shredded coconut, into a high speed blender or food processor. Pulse until well combined and no large chunks remain.
  3. Transfer the dough to a medium-sized mixing bowl and fold in the shredded carrot.
  4. Place the shredded coconut into a bowl. Scoop out a piece of the dough (I used a cookie dough scoop), roll into a ball and roll in the shredded coconut to coat.
  5. Place the truffle onto a lined baking sheet and repeat until all the dough is used up. Place your truffles in the fridge to cool.
  6. The dough will be really sticky, so don't be afraid to get your hands a little messy!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday 7/30/15.. #1. Pause squats #2. Jackie #3. tabata: sit ups + plank holds

.1.   Pause Squats 
6 x :30 hold at the bottom of a squat, 95/65
 – rest as needed between sets.

    2.  “Jackie” 
For time:

     1000m Row

     50 Thrusters, 45#

     30 Pull ups

    3. Cash out:
     Tabata - sit ups + plank hold

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday 7/29/15...Chipper

#1. EMOM X5:


30 Burpees

30 Pull ups

30 Thrusters, 95/65

30 Double Unders

30 KBS, 53/35

30 Wall Balls, 20/14

30 Box Jumps, 24/20

30 Plate sit ups

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday 7/28/15 #1 C&J, #2 Strength - shoulders, #3 Conditioning wod - "Bad Attitude"

1. Clean and Jerk
EMOMx10: 1 rep across at 85%

2. Strength
Work up to a heavy complex of: 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

3. Conditioning
“Bad Attitude”
With a 15 minute running clock:
Every 3 minutes complete:
200m Row + AMRAP Squat Clean to Overhead at 155/105 in remaining time.

*Your score is the total number of cleans you complete in each of the five 3-minute rounds.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday 7/27/15...#1. Medball toss, #2. Deadlift + wallballs

1.  Medball Toss

3 Throws for distance, Chest Pass Style, 15/10
3 Throws for distance, Chest Pass Style, 20/15
3 Throws for distance, Chest Pass Style, 30/20

3 Throws for distance, Soccer Throw-in Style, 15/10
3 Throws for distance, Soccer Throw-in Style, 20/15
3 Throws for distance, Soccer Throw-in Style, 30/20

3 Throws for distance, Over the Shoulder Keg-toss Style, 15/10
3 Throws for distance, Over the Shoulder Keg-toss Style, 20/15
3 Throws for distance, Over the Shoulder Keg-toss Style, 30/20

***Every throw is a max effort.  Rest as needed between all throws.

2. 10-8-6-4-2 of:

Dead Lift, 365/255

10 wallballs on the dashes

Eating By Color: 7 Red Foods For Healthy And Strong Heart

Heart disease doesn’t care what color your dress is, but eating plenty of red fruits and veggies can cut your risk of heart disease by up to 50%.
The bright hue of red foods signals lots of nutrition in every bite. Red fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals, which help turn carbohydrates, fats and proteins into usable energy for the body. These foods also contain antioxidants, which protect DNA from oxidative damage and, therefore, prevent disease.
Many red fruits and veggies are loaded with powerful, healthy antioxidants — such as lycopene and anthocyanins — that may do everything from fight heart disease and prostate cancer to decrease the risk for stroke and macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness in people aged 60 and older). Antioxidants soak up damaging free radicals.

7 Red Foods For Healthy And Strong Heart

Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene. Lycopene is a red pigment that has antioxidant properties and may in fact, be powerful anti-carcinogenic, as well as a good source of nutrition for eye and prostate health. Ironically, heating tomatoes, (tomato sauce, ketchup, and canned tomatoes) actually increases the levels of lycopene. The tomato is botanically part of the fruit family, Solanacea, but U.S. government agencies have quickly given it vegetable status, thus continuing the seesaw definition of fruit/vegetable that has confused many of us.
Tart cherries
Tart cherries’ bright red color comes from anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants researchers have attributed to the fruit’s unique health properties, from anti-inflammatory and heart-health benefits, to reduced post-exercise muscle and joint pain.
Red Kidney Beans
Deep-red kidney beans are an antioxidant-packed superfood for your heart. A half-cup serving of the legumes provides seven grams of protein, 5.5 grams of fiber, no saturated fat or cholesterol, and just 100 calories. They’re also rich in blood pressure-lowering potassium, and studies consistently show that diets rich in beans can help slash your risk for developing heart disease.
Red Bell Peppers
These are a particularly good choice for heart health as they are full of lycopene, which is not found in green peppers. They are also a source of cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber and powerful antioxidant vitamins A and C, which are good for heart health.
Strawberries are another excellent source of vitamin C and manganese. Manganese is important in a variety of metabolic functions in the body- including: protection from free radicals, keeping bones strong, promoting optimal thyroid function, regulating blood sugar. This heart-shaped fruit is also high in fiber, iodine, potassium, folate, vitamin K, and magnesium .
Red Grapes
Rich in antioxidants and fiber, red grapes are very heart-healthy. Red grapes have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and reduce heart muscle damage related to a high-salt diet. They have also been shown to reduce blood triglyceride levels, LDL cholesterol levels, and improve blood vessel function. This heart health research on red grapes is impressive, so eat up!
Watermelon is a great source of lycopene, lycopene may decrease the risk of heart disease by decreasing LDL cholesterol. And it decreases the risk for certain cancers, primarily prostate, as well as the risk of muscular degeneration, It also improves blood vessel function and lowers stroke risk.
Sources and reference:

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Paleo No Bake Almond Joy cookies

No-Bake Almond Joy Cookies

No-Bake Almond Joy Cookies

  • 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup coconut butter (not coconut oil)
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1/8 tsp almond extract (optional)
  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl (or food processor) and mix well until completely combined.
  2. Form batter into 2-inch balls and place on wax paper. Flatten balls with the palm of your hand.
  3. Allow cookies to chill in the refrigerator for at least 60 minutes before serving.
Makes 8 cookies
from Carrots N Cake