Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday 7/10/15... #1. Tabata - sit ups + Dubs; #2. AMRAP-10: wallball ladder; #3. Jerk - 6x3

#1. Tabata 8 rounds :20 work/ :10 rest
     sit ups

#2. AMRAP-10:  Wallball ladder
           * 5 HPC between sets

#3. Jerk - 6x3

Steak & Sweet Pepper Salad

DSCN1554 Steak & Sweet Pepper Salad
If you enjoy steak (who doesn’t?) and peppers (hopefully you do!), then this light seasonal steak and sweet pepper salad is for you. It takes only seconds to make with leftover steak and can be easily packed for an on-the-go lunch. If your kids aren’t big on salad, just serve them the ingredients individually and let them dip in the dressing.Here are some other easy seasonal salad ideas.
Steak & Sweet Pepper Salad
Prep time
Total time
A healthy and flavorful salad of leftover steak topped with sweet peppers and homemade dressing.
Recipe type: Salad
  • Leftover cooked steak (flank, ribeye, strip, etc)- About ¼ lb per person
  • Thinly sliced sweet peppers (any color)
  • Baby Spinach or lettuce blend
  • Sliced Tomatoes
  • Grated Raw Organic Cheese (optional)
  1. Put lettuce or spinach on plate.
  2. Thinly slice steak and put on lettuce/spinach.
  3. Top with sliced veggies and dressing of choice (optional).
  4. Told you that was easy! Enjoy!
Some great dressing suggestions: simple oil and balsamic vinegar mix, lemon juice and olive oil, citrus vinaigrette or homemade ranch.

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