Tuesday, July 14, 2015

tuesday 7/14/15... #1. Row; #2. 5rft - push press, deadlift, TTB, push ups

#1. Row for time
     1000 meters

** Last time we did 1000 meters for time- Suze: Row= 5:29; Ash= 4:57; Mo= 4:50

#2. 5 Rounds for time:

5 Push Press @135#/95#

    10 Deadlifts @135#/95#

    15 Toes To Bar

    20 H.R. Push-ups

7 Air Purifying Plants To Remove Harmful Indoor Toxins


The indoor pollutants that affect health are formaldehyde, Volatile Organic Compounds (benzene and trichloroethylene or TCE), airborne biological pollutants, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, pesticides and disinfectants (phenols), and radon. These pollutants contribute to ‘sick building syndrome’, which causes symptoms ranging from allergies, headaches and fatigue through to nervous-system disorders, cancer and death.
Now a days air purifying plants have gained special importance in lives of people; reason being, they are the best and cheapest way to keep the indoor atmosphere and ambiance as healthy and environment friendly as possible.

7 Air Purifying Plants To Remove Harmful Indoor Toxins

English Ivy
According to NASA, English Ivy is the number one houseplant to grow indoors due to its incredible air filtering abilities. It is the most effective plant when it comes to absorbing formaldehyde, and is even easy to grow. An adaptable plant, it can be hung and perched on the floor and prefers moderate temperatures and medium sunlight.
Aloe Vera
Aloe plants are very beneficial for increasing oxygen levels in your home. They have also been found to absorb formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. According to Earthship, one pot of aloe is equivalent to nine biological air cleaners.
Peace Lily
This beautiful flower is a wonderful low-maintenance plant to keep in the home. Peace lilies do well in shade and cooler temperatures, and they can reduce the levels of a number of toxins in the air.
Spider Plant
Spider plants are able to perform photosynthesis under minimal lighting. They aid in absorbing toxins in the air including formaldehyde, styrene, carbon monoxide, and benzene. One spider plant is able to effectively filter a room of 200 square feet.
Snake plant
A wonderful corner plant, the snake plant can thrive without much light or water. It’s also efficient at absorbing carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the night (while most plants do during the day), therefore one in the bedroom may help you in experience better sleep.
Rubber Plant
It is famous for the shape and appearance of its leaves. It is one such plant which can survive into low sun environments as well. However, it requires a bit of light to grow and prosper in right directions. This plant is also renowned in removing ubiquitous chemicals from the air. Apart from that, one thing that you should bear in mind is about the height of this plan as it has the ability to grow up to 8 feet which is greater than the bamboo plant.
Lady Palm
This durable palm species adapts well to most interiors. The Rhapis are some of the easiest palms to grow, but each species has its own particular environment and culture requirements. The “Lady Palm” grows slowly, but can grow to more than 14′ in height with broad clumps often having a diameter as wide as their height.

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