Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday 2/5/17...#1. Bench #2. "Annie has your back"

Warm up: Sled push

#1. Bench press (negatives)
1 x 20 repetitions - warm up - 45% of your maximum;
1 x 12 repetitions - warm up - 55% of your maximum;
1 x 6 repetitions - 65% to 70% of your maximum;
Remember, this is a warm up and you don’t want to go all out on these sets because you want to save all of your strength for the negatives. 
 3 sets of 4 to 6 negatives - Maximum poundages. Don’t do anymore than 3 negative sets.

#2. "Annie has your back"

Sit ups
Double unders
Back extensions

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