Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday 12/21/12 ... 12 Days of Christmas

"12 Days of Christmas"

1. Burpee
2. Thrusters
3. Cleans
4. V- sit ups
5. Pull ups
6. Wall ball
7. KB Swings
8. Push ups
9. Dead lifts
10. Walking Lunge (each leg)
11. Push Press
12. Front Squat
*This is done like the song... 1-burpee, 2-thrusters+1-burpee, 3-cleans+2- thrusters+1-burpee.......

1 comment:

  1. Fun work out today.. had BD there to help us with the exercise order.

    The Results.

    Jill - 27:34

    Mo - 29:32

    Ash - 29:35

    Jan - 32:40

    Suze - 34:00

    Matt - 40:16 (went heavy)

    Steve - ?
