Saturday, December 15, 2012

saturday 12/15/12..."The Farmers Walk"

Benefits of the Farmer's Walk Exercise

While many of you may undermine the physical benefits of manual labor and prefer just working out in a gym, you ought to know that these natural laborious exercises work the body in amazing ways to make it fitter. The benefits that you derive from doing this exercise are numerous, and have been enlisted here.
The first benefit of the farmer's walk is that it strengthens the core muscles. Strong core muscles equal a strong body that is less prone to developing injury.
You develop a great sense of balance and control over your body by performing this exercise.
Your stamina and metabolism only increase as you continue doing this exercise regularly.
The exercise utilizes muscles all over the body. These include those in the arms, shoulders, abdominals, legs, glutes, and back. 
Apart from the aforementioned benefits, the farmer's walk also helps develop ankle and grip strength.

Conditioning WOD:


15 pull ups

50 meter farmers walk (32/24 KG)

30 wall balls

50 meter farmers walk (32/24 KG)

1 comment:

  1. Got some crazy looks from people today!
    Everyone looking like strong farmers!

    Becky-45# plates... 20:52 (born to crossfit!)

    Jan-35# plates...22:10

    Suze 45#plates...22:26


    Mo-45#plates 22:45

    Strongman Steve loved the WOD so much....he did about 8 rounds!
