Thursday, May 17, 2012


800m Run
25 Pull-Ups
25 Dubs
25 KTE, GHD, etc.


  1. We haven't hit that humidity yet Dan, glad to see that you're not letting it slow you down!

    Good one today, took about 35 min., but Mitch, Darby and I did a mile run the first round.

  2. Took me 40 minutes. My last two rounds I ran 400 instead of 800. My legs felt like lead after yesterday's WOD. Hope your back soon, Matt, we miss you this week.

  3. Hey guys - Between the new shop, the band, my Dad in hospice and a cold that won't go away, I haven't been able to get there. I'll be back on Monday though!

  4. Hey really miss Yngwie Mamsteen!!! Get well!!!

  5. Just under 40 mins... did 800m row, 25 pull ups, 25 dubs, 25 KTE.

    Not sure if the rows killed my pull ups or if it was the arm workout I did yesterday, but my pull ups were brutal. Slowed me down big time.
