Thursday, May 24, 2012


  1. This AM's Okinawa workout:

    Partners: One walks approx. 100m with 35lb KB over head while other does another exercise. We did push ups, squats, push presses, burpees, jump rope, planks, good mornings, and a bunch of different ab exercises. For a total of 30 mins.

    Wasn't much of a cardio workout, but the KB walks will cause some sore triceps tomorrow.

  2. I checked the CFSS site and the last time we did this was in November. My time then was 48:35 and I left a note for myself to partition as 5/10/15 instead of 10/20/30 because it's faster. Today I did it as 5/10/15 and finished in just over 45 minutes. Guess I was right!

    Murph kicks my butt every time... definitely a benchmark WOD.

  3. I decided to try partitioning in no particular order. Started by doing 100 squats. After getting halfway through the reps for each exercise I was a few minutes slower than usual (5-10-15 progression = usual), so I switched back to the usual. PR is about 38 min., was at 42 or so today. 5-10-15 is definitely the way to go.
