Wednesday, May 2, 2012

From the CF Games Regional Workouts.



  1. 54:00 Ouch! That one hurt!

  2. If you think it hurts now, wait until tonight!

  3. Haha that one looks painful.

    We did a good FGB this morning out in Okinawa:

    Five rounds of the following at 1 min each for 30 mins total:
    -24" box jump
    -Ring pushup (ring plank once you burn out of push ups)
    -Jumping air squats
    -Ring Row (reverse plank once you burn out of rows)
    -Jump rope
    -Rest 1 min

  4. 40 minutes and I over RX'd it... did 95 lbs. during the 2nd round instead of 85. Does that mean I get to take a few minutes off of my time ;)

    That looks like a good one Dan, I've wanted to do a FGB with different exercises than the usual.
