Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bench:  5-5-5-3-3-3

Bars and Burpees
10 rounds
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1x reps
Ground to overhead (135/95)
Burpee box-jumps (24 inch)

* Optional - 20x double unders after each round


  1. As RX'd + DU. Power clean and Jerk to get overhead, really good WOD, definitely a keeper. Took about 30 minutes, try it out if you can Dan.

  2. Bench to 95# with Matt's help. The WOD took me 33 minutes. Have to do this one again.

  3. Will have to give it a try. Today's workout for us was pretty much last Thursday's for CFSS.

    1 Mile
    30 KTE, 30 KB Swing (1 pood female, 1.5 male), 30 bridges (no back extension machine around)
    800 M
    30, 30, 30
    400 M
    30, 30, 30

    38 mins +/-
