Thursday, May 3, 2012

Run 1 Mile

30 KTE or GHD
30 KB Swings
30 Back Extensions

Run 800m

30 KTE or GHD
30 KB Swings
30 Back Extensions

Run 400m
30 KTE or GHD
30 KB Swings
30 Back Extensions


  1. Changed this WOD up a bit with a mile run each round and swapped 50 double unders for the KB swings. Darby jumped in for a round, good to see her back in the mix. I'm having trouble walking from yesterday's WOD, definitely the sign of a keeper ;)

    The real CFSS may have a new location (real box) in a month or so, stay tuned for details...

  2. Darby from Scituate? Going to suggest this workout to my guys for the weekend. Looks good.
