Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Rounds

40 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps
20 KB Swings


  1. Hey Jim, good to hear you're back for the summer. We've been working out at 9 am. @ 10x. They have most of the equipment we need, bring a rope if you have one.

  2. Great, I will probably start tomorrow. See you soon.

  3. I goofed on this one and did an extra 10 KB swings per round. Took me 45 mins. That's a pretty good WOD.

  4. Ash and I made up 'Badger' today, took about 37 minutes. The cleans were brutal, I was down to reps of 5 at a time during round 3. Managed to get two of the 800's in outside before the sky really opened up. Great WOD.

  5. wow 37 minutes Jon. You belong at Jason's place with the other BEASTS!
