Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday 7/9/14.... 5 rounds -5 power cleans,5 front squats,5 push press. then AMRAP-7

5 rounds of
5 Power Cleans 60/40kg
5 Front Squats 60/40kg
5 Push Press 60/40kg
Rest 1 minute between rounds

7min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Pullups
15 Plate Situp 10/5kg

1 comment:

  1. This is what we did today: 5-15-25 to 25-15-5 to 5-15-25 push ups, plated OH sit ups, HPC

    Dot - 27:12
    Ash - 27:00
    Amy - 26:19
    Mo - 27:03
