Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday 11/30/14... Rest Day for competetors WOD, Metcon - Lunging Annie

Warm up: 200 meter Farmers walk


"Lunging Annie"

Sit ups
* 20 lunges after each round

Walking out the gym........

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saturday 11/29/14...... 2015 OPEN or.. front squat, Shoulder press. AMRAP

1. DeadLift
work up to a heavy set of 5
50 Strict HSPU for time
3. Teams of Two
3 RFT:
500m Row each
40 Power Cleans, 135/95
40 Box Jump Overs, 24/20
Each team will have two rowers, one barbell and 1 box. Both athletes row at the same time. When both athletes are done rowing 500m, one will go to the barbell, the other to the box and both athletes will start working at the same time. Athletes can switch stations whenever they choose, but only one athlete may be working on one station at a time.

1. Front squat

2. Strict shoulder press
50 for time

3. AMRAP - 8
3 HPC (105/75)
6 push ups
9 air squats

Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday 11/28/14 ... Run, 21-15-9 pull ups, KB swings....

Conditioning WOD:

Run 400
Pull ups
KB swings

Run 400
ground to overhead w/plate
box jumps

Run 400
GHD sit ups
back extensions

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday 11/26/14..... 2015 Open...#1 Pull ups - #2 "Fortitude"

1. For Time:
60 Strict Pull ups
2. “Fortitude”
Odd: 15 Calorie Row
Even: 15 Burpees

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday 11/25/14 - "Death by Squat Clean"

1. Death by Squat Clean, 155/105
Death By” means complete 1 rep the first minute, 2 reps the second minute, 3 reps the third minute – continue for as long as you are able to complete the prescribed reps within the minute. 

- Everyone will start with 155/105 and will give it everything they have. If you are unable to complete 10 rounds with this weight, drop the weight to 135/95 and start over.
- If you are unable to complete 10 rounds with 135/95, drop the weight to 115/85 and start over.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday 11/24/14... 2015 OPEN - Snatches + AMRAP

1. Snatch
3×1 at 85%
3×1 at 90%
3×1 at 85%
2.  AMRAP 20 of:
50 Wallballs, 20/14
50 Double-Unders
40 Box Jumps, 24/20
40 Toes-to-Bar
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Barbell Facing Burpees
20 Cleans, 145/100
20 Jerks, 145/100
10 Snatches, 145/100
10 Muscle-Ups

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday 11/23/14...... Rest Day

Rest Day

HEALTH BENEFITS OF CELERY - from natural news

Celery stick lovers, you are providing your body with some serious goodness. Celery haters or those unsure about the vegetable, you might want to reconsider eating some of the green goodness once you hear about all the health benefits it can provide to you.
#1 Helps with Weight Loss
Celery is the perfect vegetable to snack on when you are trying to watch your figure or loose some extra pounds. One large celery stalk contains only 10 calories. This makes celery outstanding to snack on whenever you feel the munchies coming on. Just make sure you do not eat celery sticks with heavy dips or dressings because this will make the snack unhealthy.
#2 Reduces Inflammation
Are you looking for a natural way to reduce inflammation in your body naturally? Celery contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inflammation in the body. It is an excellent super food to snack on or add to soups, salads, casserole dishes and stir-fries if you are a sufferer of asthma, acne, inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.
#3 Reduces Stress Levels
Do you need some natural stress relief from physical and mental stressors? If so celery can help since it is pack full of magnesium and an essential oil that helps promote relaxation. Celery sticks make the perfect bedtime snack because it can actually help you fall asleep and stay asleep. The vegetable also works for calming down anxiety and panic attacks since it does contain a medicinal property in it that acts as a natural sedative.
#4 Promotes Alkaline Balance
Celery contains nutrients in it that help regulate the body’s alkaline balance, which helps protect your body from becoming over acidity.
#5 Keeps the Digestive System Working Smoothly
Celery makes an excellent digestive aid. It contains loads of water and plenty of fiber. Water and fiber are essential for keeping the digestive system running smoothly and you from discomforting healthy conditions such as constipation. However, celery does contain diuretic properties so those suffering from diarrhea should not consume a large amount of this vegetable because it can make the situation worse.
#6 Keeps Eyesight Healthy
One large celery stalk a day can provide your body with vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient for maintaining eye health. Considering having some celery sticks each day for snack or adding it to a main dish to help get the potent nutrient from it into your diet.
#7 Promotes Heart Health
Eating a few stalks of celery each day can help you reduce the bad cholesterol in your body. Keeping bad cholesterol levels down goes along way to maintaining heart health. The vegetable also helps promote proper blood circulation and helps reduce high blood pressure, which is also essential for keeping your heart health and strong.
#8 Natural Aphrodisiac
You may find this to be surprising, but chomping on celery sticks eat day can help promote arousal. This is because celery is a wonderful aphrodisiac that contains two pheromones known as androstenone and androstenol.
#9 Prevents Cancer
A daily dose of celery is wonderful for preventing certain types of cancers. This is because celery contains powerful antioxidants in it that inhibits cancer cells. One type of cancer it’s particularly good at preventing is pancreatic cancer and breast cancer.
End Notes
The best celery to eat is fresh organic celery that is free from harsh pesticides, preservatives and chemicals. This is because fresh organic celery contains the medicinal properties and nutrients in it that are actually beneficial to the body. So snack away, and enjoy this super vegetable. Your body will thank you for doing so.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday 11/22/14.....#1 Run w/Cindy #2 EMOMx10 HSPU + DL

1. 7 two-minute Rounds of:
200m Run
5 C2B Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
AMRAP Power Cleans in remaining time, 135/95
1 minute rest between rounds.
Post the number of Power Cleans you got for each of the seven rounds.
2. EMOMx10
Min 1: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 2: 10 Rep Heavy DL
Min 3: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 4: 8 Rep Heavy DL
Min 5: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 6: 6 Rep Heavy DL
Min 7: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 8: 4 Rep Heavy DL
Min 9: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 10: 2 Rep Heavy DL
The weights should go up on each set of Deads. Report scores for all 5 sets of HSPU and all 5 sets of Deads.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday 11/21/14... Snatches, Box jump overs

1. AMRAP 8 of:
3-6-9-12-15…as high as possible of:
Power Snatch, 95/65
Box Jump Overs, 24/20
2. Squat
10×3 Front Squats, across
or........ this old metcon

5 Rounds for time:

7 snatches

14 wallballs

21 toes to bar

200 run