Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday 11/20/14 - Recovery Day

Recovery Day

10 Reasons to eat Tahini

Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds. It's extremely versatile and can be used in cooking sweet and savory dishes. Even better, it’s packed with essential vitamins and minerals!

There are two main types of tahini: hulled and unhulled. Unhulled tahini is best as it's made from the whole sesame seed, leaving its nutritional value intact. Hulled tahini is stripped of many of its nutrients.

10 health benefits of tahini:
  1. It’s rich in minerals such as phosphorus, lecithin, magnesium, potassium and iron. 
  2. It's a good source of Methionine, which aids in liver detoxification
  3. It’s one of the best sources of calcium out there. 
  4. It’s high in vitamin E and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B15. 
  5. Helps to promote healthy cell growth. 
  6. Prevent anemia. 
  7. Helps to maintain healthy skin and muscle tone. 
  8. It has 20% complete protein, making it a higher protein source than most nuts. 
  9. It's easy for your body to digest because of its high alkaline mineral content, which is great for assisting in weight loss. 
  10. It is high in unsaturated fat (good fat!)
Some great ways to include this amazing food in your daily diet include:
  • Make a salad dressing with tahini, olive oil, apple cider vinegar and fresh turmeric
  • Mix it into a stir-fry
  • Mash it up with some avocado like in this recipe
  • Blend it with some garlic and chickpeas to make a delicious hummus
  • If you feel like a sweeter option try making these protein balls or these cacao balls

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