Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday 11/22/14.....#1 Run w/Cindy #2 EMOMx10 HSPU + DL

1. 7 two-minute Rounds of:
200m Run
5 C2B Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
AMRAP Power Cleans in remaining time, 135/95
1 minute rest between rounds.
Post the number of Power Cleans you got for each of the seven rounds.
2. EMOMx10
Min 1: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 2: 10 Rep Heavy DL
Min 3: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 4: 8 Rep Heavy DL
Min 5: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 6: 6 Rep Heavy DL
Min 7: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 8: 4 Rep Heavy DL
Min 9: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 10: 2 Rep Heavy DL
The weights should go up on each set of Deads. Report scores for all 5 sets of HSPU and all 5 sets of Deads.

1 comment:

  1. Great WOD- needed to increase time to 3 minutes (too long getting to treadmills)
    Second WOD was a great closer....Jo -10 reps strict push for each round 27#, Su - 15 reps first round and then 10 each round w/45#, Mo - 8 reps each round w/40#
