Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday 4/30/15.. Chipper

WOD:  3 rounds for time of:
400M Run
20 Double Unders
10 Pull Ups
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24)
500M Row
20 Double Unders
10 Burpees
10 Wall Balls (20/14)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday 4/29/15 1. PC, HSPU, squats 2. back squats 3. sprints

1. 3 Rounds
  10 x Power Cleans (185, 125)
  20 x Strict Handstand Push Ups
  30 x squats

2. Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
   7 x Back Squats

3. Sprints - x5

   200 meters

   rest :30 btw rounds

The 6 Most Used Benefits of Milk Thistle

An organic treatment for many common conditions related to the pancreas and the liver, milk thistle has been around for more than 2,000 years. The herb itself is quite bitter. Milk thistle offers defense against hepatotoxic agents, and aids in being able to reverse toxic liver injuries. It has been indicated that one of the benefits of milk thistle is that it can arouse the liver’s synthesis of protein, and aids the development of new liver cells. Milk thistle was used by early medical practitioners to handle congestion in the kidneys, spleen, and veins. Although normally considered a safe natural treatment, caution is advised by professionals when it comes to using this herb because of an increase in hepatic clearance of pharmaceuticals.

Six Milk Thistle Benefits

1) Liver Affinity
Milk thistle helps with general liver problems including jaundice (which is when the skin becomes discolored/yellow), hepatic pain, and swelling. Based on the novel “The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook,” flavonoids discovered in milk thistle seed add to the significant liver regenerating and protecting qualities found in other parts of milk thistle. Flavonoids will have profound results on the body’s immune system, thus boosting the body’s ability to resist illness. They help stabilize cell membranes and control cell function. Milk thistle is also thought to be beneficial for the following problems: acute viral hepatitis, metabolic disease, continual-persistent hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver.

2) Cancer
Some early research into the herb also indicates that active materials in milk thistle might have anti-cancer effects. One active material called silymarin has powerful anti-oxidant qualities, and has been proven to inhibit the development of breast, human prostate, and cervical cancer cells in test tubes. More studies are required to ascertain whether the herb is efficient or safe for individuals with these kinds of cancer.

3) High Cholesterol
One animal study discovered that silymarin (an effective compound in milk thistle) worked as efficiently as the cholesterol-lowering drug probucol, with the added advantage of considerably raising HDL cholesterol. More studies in individuals are needed.

4) Gallstones and The Gallbladder
The silymarin mentioned above that is inside milk thistle can raise bile solubility, which encourages its circulation. When you need to avoid or remedy gallstones this could be quite useful. Gallstones are a lot less likely to form when the bile has better circulation. Researches demonstrate that routine use of milk thistle may result in a noticeable decrease of bile’s cholesterol levels.

5) Obesity
Very few people recognize the function of the liver in fat reduction. Enhancing liver function is frequently neglected in almost all weight loss plans. The liver is significant for purifying the blood and metabolizing the fat in the body. As the liver’s ability to function is being increased by silymarin, fat can end up being metabolized quicker. This means that as a result it’s much easier for all of us to lose weight.

6) Our Skin
Skin is an essential organ for cleansing, and the biggest organ in the physique. Psoriasis is supposed to occur because of the existence of specific toxins within our bloodstream. There are a few bits of evidence that show the risk of psoriasis as having a potential connection to abnormal liver functions. Thus, as a result of helping the liver, one of the benefits of milk thistle is that it helps our skin to be healthier through increased liver function. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday 4/28/15... 1.Front squats 2. clusters + row

1. Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
   2 x Front Squats / 1 x Split Jerk

2. 3 Rounds
10 x Clusters (155, 105)
500m Row
*cluster = squat clean into a thruster

Herbal teas and their healing powers

Burdock Tea

Burdock tea has long been known for its power to regulate blood sugar. Patients with liver problems have been frequently advised by their physicians to drink burdock tea regularly, as a preventative measure.

Chamomile Tea

This is one of the most popular of all the herbal teas. Chamomile helps with various stomach ailments like acid reflux (heartburn). It has also been known to help deal with anxiety and nervous conditions as well. Others even go so far as to claim it can help with the common cold. Chamomile has been a favorite of tea drinkers for years as a relaxant just before bedtime.

Damiana Tea

Damiana has been touted as an aid to those who suffer from depression. It also serves as a diuretic and a stimulant. Herbal teas like damania and other teas derived from dandelion flowers work well as expectorants, and improve the overall functioning of the liver.

Fennel Tea

Fennel teas are well known for helping with stomach cramps. But what many people don't know is that fennel also helps with actually putting on weight, and are prescribed by many doctors of cancer patients. Fennel tea has been known to help increase appetite in those who drink it.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is very useful in helping those with flu or cold-like symptoms. It is also beneficial for those with allergies, increasing the blood flow and clearing minor blockages. Many allergy doctors recommend the use of ginger tea to their patients for use every day.

Green Tea

This may be the most famous of all the teas. In recent years, green tea has been everywhere, and nowadays you see it in most every big-box and grocery store. The healing properties of green tea are many, and wide ranging. This tea has been known to:

• Increase blood flow

• Fight the flu virus

• Lower blood sugar

• Lower cholesterol

• Fight bacterial infections

• Work as a strong anti-oxidant

Hawthorne Tea

Hawthorne tea is known to help in cleansing the blood and lowering overall blood sugar levels. It is also known to help with complications of the liver and is famous for being fast-acting.

Lemon-balm Tea

Known for its abilities in dealing with many types of stomach problems, as well as helping to lift the moods of those who drink it regularly.

Rosemary Tea

This flavorful tea helps improve circulation while easing joint pains and headaches. It also contains antiseptic properties so can be used as a mouthwash to alleviate ulcers and to gargle with to help relieve sore throats.

Learn more:

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday 4/27/15...1. EMOM - deadlift 2. 40 snatches + 10 bench press

1. Pulls:  EMOM for 10 Mins
  5 Deadlift 

2.  5 Rounds
  40 x KB Snatches (24kg, 16kg) (you can use dumbells)
  10 x Bench Press (185, 115)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday 4/26/15.... Renegade Rows

1. Pull ups: 4 rounds
 max reps

2. Metcon:


Renegade Row - ( right + left = 1 rep)
Weighted sit ups

*after every odd round do 25 DUBS/100 singles

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday 4/25/15.... "Ham Sandwich"

1.   Press
 3×20 Close-Grip Bench Press – you choose the weight, keep elbows tucked to your sides and at least 1 finger should be on the smooth part of the bar.

2.“Ham Sandwich”

50 Wall Balls, 20/14

25 Deads, 245/165

50 Wall Balls, 20/14

*Every minute on the minute, starting at the 60 second mark, complete 5 Burpees.

From Paleomg:
Crockpot Sugar Detox Dessert Stuffed Apples
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 4
  • 4 green apples, cored, bottom still in place
  • ½ cup Coconut Cream Concentrate or homemade coconut butter, melted
  • ¼ cup sunbutter, unsweetened (or other nut butter)
  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon (the more the better in my world)
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • pinch of salt
  • 3-4 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 cup water
  1. First you gotta core your apples, which is a pain if you don’t have an apple corer or paring knife…like me. I use a knife and drilled out the top then used a spoon to scoop out any core, leaving behind as much apple as possible and making sure not to remove the bottom. Perfection is not needed here.
  2. Mix together your coconut butter and sunbutter along with cinnamon, nutmeg and salt.
  3. Place cored apples in your crockpot and pour water in the bottom.
  4. Use a spoon to pour in your coconut and sunbutter mixture into each apple until it’s at the top.
  5. Top each apple off with a bit more cinnamon and your shredded coconut.
  6. Cook for 2-3 hours on low. The longer you cook it, the softer the apple will become so you decide!!
*These would also be wonderful with any sort of nuts mixed in! *If you are not on the sugar detox, dried fruit would be great in these!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday 4/24/15.... "Chaser"

1.  Clean and Jerk
Work up to a 1RM

2.  Squat
5×7 Front Squats, across

3.  "Chaser"
6 RFT:
10 Thrusters, 95/65
10 Pull ups

Run 200 meters

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday 4/23/15..."Charlie Brown"

1.  Snatch
Work up to a 3RM

2.  Squat
5×7 Back Squats, across

3.  “Charlie Brown”

3 RFT:
15 OHS, 135/95
30 Abmat Sit up
45 KBS, 53/35

20 Helpful Eating Principles That Should Be Common Sense

Over the last 50 to 100 years, we have become a much less healthy nation. A large proportion of the foods that we find readily available are processed, canned, and packed with unhealthy preservatives. This, in combination with a far too sedentary lifestyle, has led to much malnutrition and obesity in modern America.
A revolt against the above-mentioned situation has created a flood of dieting, health food, and holistic living movements. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to separate the fact from the fiction. Below, I will attempt to give the reader 20 helpful principles that will serve you well in the attempt to eat a healthier diet.
1. Avoid artificial trans-fats. While natural trans-fats may have gotten too harsh of treatment in recent years, the artificial version is truly to be avoided. It greatly increases the risk of heart disease.
2. Eating three times a day is still o.k. You do not have to eat five small meals a day, as some have suggested. There may be moderate benefits to this “eating like a bird” procedure, but it is much more important to eat the right kinds of foods in the right quantities.
3. Don’t assume everything you hear in the media is true. Many times, a new health food “fact” that gets big publicity on t.v. turns out to be false.
4. It is fine to eat meat. Some have falsely claimed that meat “rots in your colon.” That is simply false; meat is digested thoroughly like anything else you eat. Red meat is not bad either if eaten in reasonable quantities. In fact, there are nutrients in meat that are very hard to come by in vegetables.
5. Eat eggs. Despite the state of Massachusetts once outlawing over-easy eggs at restaurants and a big media campaign telling us that eggs are bad for us, new studies confirm that they are among the most nutritious things you can put in your mouth. Further, almost all of this valuable nutrition is found in the yolk: the very part of the egg that we were told to be so afraid of.
6. Avoid soft drinks like the plague. This is only a slight exaggeration; soft drinks are the most fattening, unhealthy item in the modern American diet.
7.Do not equate low fat with healthy. Your body actually needs some fat, and certain omega-3 fats are extremely beneficial. Without fat, food just doesn’t taste good. This inspires manufacturers to pack artificial, low-fat foods with sugar, MSG, and worse. Eat natural low-fat foods like fruits and vegetables, and avoid buying something just because it has “low fat” printed on the label.
8. Good sugar still can make you gain fat. It is true that sugar from natural sources like fruit will be far better for you than processed, white sugar or high fructose corn syrup, but any kind of sugar is still going to turn to fat and be stored in your body if you don’t burn it off quickly.
9. Get plenty of fiber. Dietary fiber, found mostly in vegetables, is the main food that “good bacteria” in your gastrointestinal tract feed on. These “gut bugs” keep your digestive system going strong and healthy, so be good to them by giving them plenty of fiber to chew on.
10. Supplements are no magic cure. While there may be some situations where one can benefit from taking a health supplement, they are not the magic cures that some people suppose them to be. Exercise, good diet, and an overall healthy lifestyle are needed.
11. There is more to healthiness than weight. While too much belly fat is a problem, the amount one weighs and even one’s ratio of fat to total body weight is often tied up in genetic factors. One can be skinny and unhealthy as easily as overweight and unhealthy.
12.It is not absolutely necessary to count calories. If you focus on eating normal-sized, well balanced meals, it will not matter much what the exact number of calories consumed was.
13. Diabetics should eat a low-carb diet. High-carb diets will raise blood sugar levels, and no one needs that problem less than do diabetics.
14. Fat does not necessarily make you fat. It all depends on what kind of fat you are eating, how much, and whether your overall diet is balanced.
15. Carbs do not necessarily make you fat. Though most Americans get too many carbohydrates from junk food and depleted, white-flour bread, it is possible to eat plenty of carbs without getting fat.
16. Junk food is addictive. When you eat too much junk food, it basically trains the brain to release dopamine, the “happy hormone” in the brain, the same thing happens when a person takes drugs. So taking junk food too much just like drug abuse, it will make you back to junk food time and time again although not benefiting from it.
17. Do not trust the food labels totally. The words”healthy” and “natural” mean very little, as the main purpose of a food label is marketing nowadays.
18. Avoid the ultra-processes cooking oils. Canola oil is an ultra-processed oil, which is high in omega-6 fatty acids that will increase the risk for a variety of chronic diseases.
19. When organic and gluten-free products go under extreme processing, they are not so healthy actually. Organic fruits and vegetables have been proven to be healthier than their non-organic counterparts, but how they are processed affects how healthy they are.
20. Your unhealthy eating habits are killing you while not the food itself. So don’t blame the food, blame how you eat it. Don’t blame fast food, meat and butter for the high rate of heart disease and obesity. When you stop eating those high-fat food in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, it will be easier to have a healthier lifestyle.