Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday 4/7/15....1. clean complex, 2. press, 3. metcon

1.  Clean Complex
A.  Work up to a heavy set of: Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
B.  5×1 Squat Clean, with the same weight you were able to get above
2.  Overhead Strength
A.  3×8 Strict Press, across
B.  3×5 Push Press, across
C.  3×3 Push Jerk, across

3.   For Time100 Double Unders, followed by:
3 RFT:
15 Deads, 225/155
Followed by:  100 Double Unders

1 comment:

  1. Clean complex= Britt - 115#, Su - 80#, Mo - 60#
    Shoulder swod= Britt 65#/75#/?, Su - 55#/65#/75#, Mo - 45#/55#/60#
    WOD - Su - 12:14 (115#) , Mo - 11:43 (85#)
