Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday 5/31/15..

1.  Metcon3 RFT:
75 Double unders
50 Squats
25 Cal Row

2.  EMOMx14
Odd:  5 Front Squats – you choose the weight
Even:  10 Strict TTB

From the Lurong recipe file

Prep Time: 0 hours 15 mins
Cook Time: 0 hours 45 mins
Serves: 4 people
5Apples peeled, cored, chopped
12large eggs
14oz can pumpkin
14oz can full fat coconut milk
1/4cup honey
1tsp cinnamon
2tsp vanilla
1/4tsp sea salt
1/2cup sliced almonds
1/2cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1/3cup raisins
Preheat oven to 425
Grease 9 x 13 glass baking dish
Put chopped apples into dish
Mix all ingredients besides almonds, coconut and raisins, in a bowl
Pour liquid over apples
Top with almonds, raisins, and coconut
Bake uncovered for about 45 minutes

Saturday, May 30, 2015

saturday 5/30/15.... Bench, Pull up and "ANNIE"

#1. Swod: Bench from yesterday

   EMOM - 10
* on the first minute do 10 reps and subtract a rep every minute

 #2. EMOM -7
   7 Pull ups

#3. "ANNIE"
     DUBS/ singles x3
     Sit ups

Prep Time: 0 hours 10 mins
Cook Time: 0 hours 40 mins
Serves: 6 - 8
3cups almond flour
1tsp sea salt
1tsp baking soda
1tbsp cinnamon
1tsp nutmeg
1tsp ginger
1/2cup honey
1/4cup coconut oil
3cups carrots grated
1cup raisins
1cup walnuts
2cans coconut milk (for frosting)
1/3cup honey or maple syrup (for frosting)
1/2tsp cinnamon (for frosting)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Grease 2, 8 inch cake pans
Line the bottom of the pans with parchment paper cut into a circle
Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl and wet in another (without carrots, raisins, or nuts)
Add wet ingredients to dry
Add carrots, nuts & raisins
Split mixture between two cake pans and cook for about 40 minutes
Make sure to check cake with a toothpick to make sure its done
For Frosting
Refrigerate 2 cans of coconut milk over night
Open the cans and scoop out the firm cream
Put in a mixing bowl and add cinnamon, honey or maple syrup
Whip with a hand mixer until fluffy
Spread this between cakes, then top it with more frosting and unsweeted toasted coconut!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday 5/29/15....5 rnds: 200 m farmer walk, 15 deadlift, 200 m run, 15 wallballs

Strength (from CFSS)

EMOM For 10 Min
Bench Press at 70 % of 1 RM
Reps 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
*On the first min begin with 10 reps and subtract a rep every min

Conditioning: 5 rounds for time
200 meter farmer walk
15 deadlift
200 meter run
15 wallballs

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday 5/28/15...... Back squat then 5rft- TTB, thrusters, lunge

1. Squats
    10x3 back squats

2. 5 RFT:
    8 TTB
    8 DB thrusters (35/25)
    14 DB walking lunge 35/25  

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday 5/27/15...KB, Thrusters, TTB

#1. EMOM - 10
   5 HSPU (sub strict shoulder press)
   5 Goblet squats

#2. Conditioning
   15 KB swings
   15 Thrusters
   15 KB swings
   20 TTB
   15 KB swings
   20 TTB
   15 KB swings
   15 Thrusters
   15 KB swings

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday 5/26/15...

1. Strength:
1)  Clean & Jerk 6x3 @70%
2)  Power Clean+Hang Squat Clean+Push Jerk, x3  heaviest possible

2. WOD:
4 rounds for time of:
10 Hang Power Clean 155/105
20 Wall Balls 20/14#


Monday, May 25, 2015


Suze - 64:23
Mo - 66:33

Here I am doing the last mile of Murph at CFSS


Su - 64:23S

Monday 5/25/15..Memorial Day..... Row, deadlift, front squats

Happy Memorial Day Images free Download


For time:

1K Row
30 Deads, 185/135
20 Front Squats, 185/135
30 Deads, 185/135
1K Row

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday 5/24/15...."Murph"

Run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile

Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy
Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy


The Murph hero WOD was originally posted on on August 18th, 2005 by Lauren Glassman. The description read as follows:
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Tips And Tricks

For most of the population Murph’s 200 pushups are the limiting factor. Many athletes will bite off more than they can chew attempting to break them up in to sets of 20. By the time they’ve accumulated the first 100 pushups they are struggling to string three together at a time.
Pushup burnout can be prevented by partitioning the workout wisely. Listed below are some rep schemes to consider:


The 5-10-15 scheme is probably the most common pattern people succeed with. This mirrors the rep scheme of the CrossFit benchmark workout Cindy:
20 rounds of
5 pullups
10 pushups (If you are new to Murph, be smart and shake out your arms after five reps, from the very beinging).
15 squats


If pushups are a particular challenge for you consider the following scheme
20 rounds of
5 pushups
5 pullups
5 pushups
15 squats


Similar to the 5-5-5-15
20 rounds of
5 pullups
5 squats
5 pushups
10 squats
5 pushups

What To Expect

Times vary quite a bit on Murph. The mile route will of course be a big factor in determining your time. As a rough guideline though consider the following for an athlete (male or female) completing the workout without a weight vest:
+70 Minutes Beginner
40-70 Minutes Intermediate
30-40 Minutes Advanced
30 Minutes or less Elite

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday 5/23/15 .. #1. Spinning #2. Lurong challenge WOD

Burner Sprint

5 Rounds for Time:

Complete 5 rounds of the following movements:
  • Double Unders/Singles
  • Burpees
  • With a 7 Minute Time Cap

Movement Details - Men

5 Rounds for Time of:
Level III (3)
20 Double Unders
10 Burpees
Level II (2)
10 Double Unders
10 Burpees
Level I (1)
30 Single Unders
10 Burpees

Movement Details - Women

5 Rounds for Time:
Level III (3)
20 Double Unders
10 Burpees
Level II (2)
10 Double Unders
10 Burpees
Level I (1)
30 Single Unders
10 Burpees

Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday 5/22/15... farmers walk, overhead lunge, pull up,KB


Row 1000 meters

100 meter farmers walk

50 KB swings

100 overhead walking lunge

50 pull ups

100 meter farmers walk

Run 800

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday 5/21/15...Black and Blue

1. EMOM - 5
   10 Ball slams


“Black and Blue”

5 RFT:
10 Power Cleans, 135/95
10 Burpees

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday 5/20/15...

1. Every 2 minutes for 10:
   Back squats x10

2. 5 rounds for time:
   5 Bench press
   12 barbell row

3. AMRAP - 7
   10 push ups
   25 DUBS

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday 5/19/15...."Jackie" then 3 rft 20 HSPU,20 TTB, 200 meter run

1.  "Jackie
1000m Row

50 Thrusters, 45/35

30 Pull ups

2.  3 RFT:


20 TTB
200 meter Run

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday 5/18/15... front squats, Run, kb swings, burpee box jumps

#1.Front Squats 5x5

#2. WOD: 

6 rounds for time:

200M Run
6 x 1 arm Kettlebell Swings (each arm) (24/16)
6 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday 5/17/15... PERFECT 10 - #1 EMOM: WB + pull ups #2 10 Rounds: 10 deadlift, 10 push ups, 10 KB swings

#1 EMOM -10 (every minute on the minute)
   ODD - 10 wallballs
   EVEN - 10 pull ups


   10 Deadlifts
   10 push ups
   10 KB swings

from natural news
7 liquid bombs that will shrink your waistline

Just a glass of these drink helps you reduce body fat especially belly fat. These drink is easy to prepare and has proved efficient in bringing great results in short period as long as it is consumed regularly. Belly fat can be sometimes be too stubborn to deal with, so instead of feeling hopeless, here is a simple yet powerful drinks to help you accomplish your weight loss mission and during the process to eliminate excess belly fat that has been bothering you for a while.

7 Liquid ‘Bomb’ That Will Literally Shrink Your Waistline

Celery is great. It’s also a great base to any juice recipe. It has anti-cancer properties, aides in digestion, acts as a diuretic, and is anti-inflammatory. Celery is rich in sodium and potassium, which is a great after workout drink. Celery contains coumarins, which have anticancer properties. Coumarin also help lower blood pressure and also help with migraines.
Green Spinach Lemonade
You don’t often see lemonade and spinach together, which makes this green juice concoction something special. For those that don’t really like the taste of spinach too much, this is a good juice to go with because the lemonade is what you mostly taste. Real lemons are used to give it the taste of lemonade, not like most artificial lemonades that clearly state they contain no fruit juice. To sweeten it up they’ve gone with apples and they say you can use an additional apple for more sweetness.
Pineapple Green Juice
Pineapple flavor dominates this green juice, which packs a nutritional punch thanks to all of the additional fruits and vegetables it contains. You start with a full cup of pineapple, adding broccoli, kale, and a Granny Smith apple to the mix. A cup of spinach will provide you with a big boost of Vitamins A and C, and a final handful of fresh mint means this will have a cool, crisp flavor throughout. It’s the kind of juice you can use to recover from a stressful day at work, or during the middle of a stressful day to help you cope and stay in control.
Flat Belly Drink: Flavored Water
Staying hydrated is important when you’re trying to trim down. Drinking plenty of water helps your body maintain proper fluid balance, stops water retention (a big cause of bloated bellies), and even increases the feeling of fullness so you eat less overall. But if plain water bores you, spruce it up with fresh herbs, citrus fruits, and other low-cal flavor enhancers (sliced cucumbers work well too) to encourage you to drink up.
Flat Belly Drink: Watermelon Smoothie
As long as they’re made without sugary mixers like sherbet, smoothies are a guilt-free way to hydrate—and watermelon is a terrific, low-cal smoothie base. Not only is it a natural hydrator because of its water content, watermelon is also loaded with nutrients, including cancer-fighting lycopene, as well as an amino acid known as arginine.
Flat Belly Drink: Green Tea
Besides reducing your risk of cancer and heart disease, green tea contains catechins, antioxidants that studies show can help reduce belly fat. If you sip green tea before a workout, these compounds can also increase your fat burn during aerobic exercise.
Tomatoes are packed with vitamins C, A and B and also essential vitamins and minerals. Most people don’t want to eat tomatoes because they think that since it’s a fruit that it’s loaded with sugar. Tomatoes score a 15 on the glycemic index so it won’t spike your blood sugar. Cooking tomatoes is actually really beneficial. When tomatoes are heated they actually have a lycopene content and helps with absorption of nutrients.