Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday 5/3/15... back squats, bench press, barbell row, then amrap-7

1. Squats: every 2 minutes for 10 rounds

   5 back squats

  * 1 max set of pull ups between

2. Bench Press 5 x 5
   Barbell Row 5 x 12

3. 7 Min AMRAP
   12 x Push Ups
   30 x Double Unders

From Paleomg

21DSD Green Apple and Coconut 2-Bite Treats
Prep time
Total time
  1. Place a medium skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to the pan. Once hot, add diced apples and begin to cook down, making sure they do not burn.
  3. Once apples are soft, add the cinnamon and a bit of salt.
  4. Now you need to get the coconut oil and coconut butter soft, so place both in a bowl and into the microwave for about 30 seconds, then mix with a spoon.
  5. Then add the sautéed apples to the bowl with coconut butter and coconut oil and mix well, adding a bit more cinnamon.
  6. Now use a spoon to scoop out 1-2 tablespoons of your chunky mixture into a silicone liner in a muffin tin. Repeat until mixture is gone. If you do not have silicone liners, use paper (they may just stick a little).
  7. Place in fridge for at least 20 minutes before eating. Also store in the fridge because they may want to melt!
  8. Makes about 9 discs.
  9. Enjoy the 21 Day Sugar Detox!

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