Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday 10/31/15 "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" AMRAP - 30 w/partner

with a partner -
AMRAP-30 minutes

10 diamond push ups
10 pull ups
50 meter stone carry

Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday 10/30/15... #1. Pull ups; #2. OPEN WOD 15.5

#1. Strentgh: Pull ups
*(unbroken reps)

#2. Open WOD 15.5 

      27 - 21 - 15 - 9 
   Row (calories)
   Thrusters (95/65)
Results from last time: Britt 16:28; Mo 17:35
AB Challenge Day 30 (last day!!!!)  125 sit ups, 200 crunches, 65 leg raises, 120 second plank

Photo from crossfitpanda6

Thursday, October 29, 2015

THURSDAY 10/29/15... lunge, DB snatch, DB push press

3 rounds
50 walking lunges 1.2 count
50 double unders or 150 singles
30 DB push press
30 DB alternating arm snatches 1.2 count
400 meter run
DB = dumbbell

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday 10/28/15..#1. Farmers walk + 25 dubs; #2. Back squats; #3. wallballs + power cleans

#1. 3 Rounds:
     100 meter Farmers walk
     25 DUBS

#2. Back squats 6x1
     *Pause 30 seconds at bottom

#3. Metcon - 2 Rounds
     32 wallballs
     8 power cleans

Why We Should Be Freezing Lemons!


When life gives you Lemons, you freeze them!

I know you all want some healthy tips, for better nutrition and better health, so this is a good one! It’ll not only help you with losing body fat, but it will help with your overall health. The sun is up, and you reach for the Lemon Water ..  You feel like you’re coming down with a fever, or you have high blood pressure, Lemons have got your back! We all know that Lemons do a wonderful thing for our body, our skin, our hair, and our immune system. It cleanses and purifies our blood. Besides all of the vitamins that it contains, it also helps with treatment for kidney stones, reducing strokes and lowering body temperature. What else do you need in your fridge..seriously. I have a drawer just full of lemons, which will now be moved to the freezer.
We all know the benefits of fresh new lemons, but just in case lets recap before I continue… Fresh Lemons have antibacterial effect on bacterial infections, work against internal parasites and worms, regulate the blood pressure, work as an antidepressant and they are great in the fight against stress and neurological disorders. Lemon has a remarkable effect on cysts and tumors. Some say the Lemon is a proven remedy against all types of cancer, there are more studies that need to come out regarding this, however I do know that lemons are also beneficial for those who have lime disease.

It helps if we freeze our Lemons!

“A new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.”
Freezing lemons mean you’ll always have fresh lemons on hand, it also means no more tossing spoiled lemons left over from recipes. We have always learned to leave no waste when it comes to eating our food on our plates, well this has become true when it comes to Lemons too. Citrus fruits should be used to the fullest, not only for the obvious health benefits that the fiber and juice provides, but because it’s also refreshing! Take an Organic Lemon or Orange, wash it and put it in the freezer. Once it’s frozen you get whatever is necessary to grate or shred the whole lemon without even peeling it first. When the lemon freezes, It will be a complete new taste!

What do I do with the zest?

So now what do I do with it?  You have some lemon zest…well you should sprinkle it on your salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti sauce, the options are endless. Lemon zest makes your foods taste better, if you ask me, and it’s the truth especially when picky eater, Marc, Agrees! Marc doesn’t like to drink Lemon water all the time, so what I do sometimes is fill our ice cube trays with water and sprinkle lemon zest into them, so when they freeze our water has a hint of lemon. Try it out!

Why can’t I just use Lemon Juice?

Why Fanny? Why would I want to do this?… Well lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the actual juice of the lemon itself, and the peel is usually thrown away. The peel of the lemon is very important to overall health, and some people overlook this. It helps to get rid of toxins in your body.. now there are some safety precautions  that I want to mention that I found on New Health Guide:

1. Wash Properly and Go Organic

You must wash lemon peel before eating it as pesticides or insecticides may have been used during the growing process. Lemons that have been shipped great distances may contain a wax coating that prevents damage but it can be made using animal, plant or insect based products. Therefore, it is best to opt for organically grown peels.

2. Be Aware Of Crystallization

Lemon peels contain a high amount of oxalates which are found in humans. When we have high concentrations of oxalates it can lead to problems which are associated with crystallization such as kidney or gallbladder stones. Therefore if you already suffer from these problems, avoid eating lemon peel.

Health Benefits of Lemon Peel:

    • Regulates blood pressure (special for high blood pressure)
    • Fight against cancer
    • Maintain bone strength
    • Provides high hygiene and health of the oral cavity
    • Helps to reduce weight
    • Prevents overgrowth of parasites and intestinal worms (tapeworms) in the digestive system
    • Protects against fungal bacterial infections
    • Strong anti-depressive effect
    • Helps with cystitis and tumors
    • Decrease the cholesterol levels in the body which results in maintaining good health of our hearts. This is due to the presence of polyphenol flavonoids.
Go, get your Lemons, and pop them in the freezer!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday 10/26/15.... thrusters, SDLHP, Jerks, OHS, Front squats

  For Time:

20 Thrusters, 95/65

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 95/65

20 Jerks, 95/65

20 OHS, 95/65

20 Front Squats, 95/65


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday 10/25/15 #1. bench, pull up, Row #2. row wallball, box jump

from crossfit south shore:

5 Rounds
5 Bench Press @ 80 %
10 Pull Ups
10 Cal Row

3 Rounds For Time:
Row 250
25 wallballs
25 box jumps

AB Challenge: DAY 25
     105 sit ups, 160 crunches, 60 leg raises, 95 second plank

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saturday 10/24/15.... "Chipper Saturday"

one time through - 

     100 meter farmers walk
     90 air squats
     80 lunges
     70 sit ups
     60 DUBS or 180 singles
     50 wallballs
     40 DB snatches
     30 slamball
     200 meter run
     10 burpees

The name Chipper describes a workout that combines a lot of different movements at high volume. You complete all reps assigned for each exercise before moving on to the next. Unlike the circuits seen in a lot of CrossFit workouts, a Chipper is performed only once. The best approach is to work methodically through each exercise. If you’re not competing in the CrossFit Games themselves, there’s no need to hammer away at top speed; Chippers are brutal regardless, so pace yourself and Chip away! :)

AB Challenge DAY: 24: Rest Day :)

Scalloped Sweet Potatoes with Bacon and Scallions
Serves 4
  1. 3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled
  2. 1 ½ cups full fat coconut milk
  3. 1 small serrano chili pepper, minced
  4. 2 tbsp chopped spring onions
  5. 1 oz bacon, chopped
  6. ½ tsp olive oil
  7. ½ tsp salt
  8. 1/8 tsp black pepper to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Slice the sweet potatoes into about 1/8'' thick slices.
  2. In a medium bowl combine the coconut milk, chili, salt and black pepper. In a 10'' cast iron skillet or baking dish arrange the potatoes in even layer. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of the coconut milk mixture . Repeat the process until you used all the potatoes and coconut milk mixture.
  3. Cover with an aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes, then remove the foil and continue cooking for 45 minutes. Heat the olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat and cook the bacon until crisp.
  4. Remove the sweet potatoes from the oven, top with bacon, chopped spring onions and a pinch of crushed black pepper and serve.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Aloe Vera

Reduce Wrinkles Naturally With Aloe Vera (Based by Science)


Aloe Vera is not just effective at treating sunburns. You can also reduce wrinkles naturally with Aloe gel from an Aloe Vera plant!
According to a study,
“taking a small amount of Aloe Vera gel on a daily basis can significantly improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles. “
In the research, 30 healthy females over the age of 45 received 2 different oral doses (low dose – 1200 mg/d, high dose – 3600 mg/d) of pure Aloe Vera gel supplementation for 90 days.
After just 90 days, facial wrinkles improved significantly in both groups, and the women in the lower-dose group also seeing improvements in facial elasticity.
It’s not a good idea to use the store-bought Aloe Vera gel as most of them are filled with chemicals.
You can make Aloe Vera gel by yourself, all you need is a healthy Aloe plant, read the step-by-step directions on how to make Aloe Vera gel.
Now that you have the natural Aloe Vera gel, here is the simple steps to cure the wrinkles:
Massage a small amount of the Aloe Vera gel directly into your skin gently for 3 minutes. You can also mix one Vitamin E capsule with 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel and massage to areas where wrinkles are forming. Do this before sleep regularly, you will like this natural anti-wrinkle treatment after some days.
Aloe Vera has many other benefits in addition to combat wrinkles:
  • Moisturizes skin
  • Relieves sunburn
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Aids in digestion
  • Detoxifies your body
  • Improves dental health
  • Cures stomach problems
  • Cures asthma
  • Promotes hair growth