Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday 10/18/15.... Partner ROW - 3,000 meters

#1. EMOM - 6
     even - 10 DB snatch (right)
     odd - 10 DB snatch (left)

#2. adapted from Crossfit Reebok Back Bay:

3000M Row

One partner rows while another partner does:
4 Hang Power Clean (145/90) 
4 Front Squats (145/90) 
4 Shoulder to Overhead

* If the barbell is dropped, partners switch.
**You can only rest in the Front Rack position.
***The partner who was rowing will pick up right where the other person left off and start over.
**** Score = time plus total rounds/reps

Day 18 AB challenge - 80 sit ups, 110 crunches, 48 leg raises, 70 second plank

The Face You Make After An Intense Workout

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