Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday 10/4/15.... #1. Bench Press 4x6, #2. Deadlift + push ups, #3. Wallballs + kb swings

#1. Bench Press : 4x6

#2. EMOTM for 6 minutes
 7 Deadlifts (light) 
7 Push Ups

 Rest 2 minutes

EMTOM for 5 minutes:
 5 Deadlifts (medium) 
5 Push ups

 Rest 2 minutes

EMOTM for 4 minutes :
3 Deadlifts (heavy) 
3 Push ups

#3. WOD: 1 min AMRAP of: Wall Balls (20/14) 
     1 min AMRAP of: Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24) 

    Rest 2 minutes

For time: The same number of Wall Balls and Russian Kettlebell Swings you did in the 2 AMRAPs

Lets do the AB challenge for the month of October

30-day AB-challenge

1 comment:

  1. Jo - 65#/75#/85# AMRAP=25 WB/30 KB
    El - 65#/70#/75# AMRAP= 24 WB/ 24 KB
    Mo - 95#/105#/115# AMRAP= 27KB/28WB
    Bench= El - 45#, Jo - 55#, Mo - 75#
