Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday 1/31/16..."The Chief"

#1. Row 1000 meters for time

#2. WOD: For Rounds and Reps

“The Chief”

3 Power Cleans (135/95)

6 Push Ups

9 Air Squats

5 Cycles of 3 Minute Rounds. Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

saturday 1/30/16 .... SWOD - Pause squats; WOD: 4 Rounds: 200 meter farmers walk, 5 back squats, 10 stone to shoulders, 20 DUBS

Warm up: EMOM - 10 alternating
     :25 second hang from rack
     10 wallballs

SWOD: back squat 6x1 rep (pause :30 seconds at bottom)

Conditioning: 4 rounds for time
     200 meter farmers walk
     5 back squats
     10 stone to shoulders
     20 DUBS

Cash out: TABATA ABS

What Is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is now considered to be another Superfood!  Used as a health food supplement, it is especially rich in protein and vitamins.  Spirulina is used in combination with other foods or it can be taken as a tablet or capsule.  It is exceptionally high in nutrients like carotenoids, the vitamins B, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc. By weight it is 70 percent protein, and it has no empty calories!
Spirulina comes in powder, pill and liquid forms and all forms of spirulina are equally nutrient-rich.  There is no significant difference between one form or the others as far as the effects.

The preference of spirulina nutrition depends on each individual. If you do not mind taking 10 pills each day or even more, then spirulina pills can prove convenient. On the other hand, if you prefer having spirulina with fruit juice, as a smoothie or in your salsa, or meals you can get the powderized or the liquid extract form.
When choosing the best spirulina supplement, it is not the form you want to worry about, it's the brand.  Take note that there are a wide number of spirulina manufacturers these days due to the increasing demand of these supplements. Each manufacturer adopts it's own processing procedure, and amount of nutrients so the effectivity of it's action may differ significantly.

Best Organic Supplement​s: Buy 100% Natural Spirulina

Weight Control

Spirulina can reduce appetite to control weight, along with being incredibly low in calories.  For instance a standard 500 mg tablet of spirulina only has two calories. Regular consumption of spirulina will provide you with a good portion of your daily nutritional needs, without any caloric consequences.
Spirulina has the ability to help remove toxins therefore protecting the liver.  Taking spirulina regularly is ideal for low carb meal plans and building muscle due to it's high protein content, containing up to 70 percent protein, as well as all eight essential amino acids.  The digestive absorption of the protein in spirulina is four times greater than that of beef. Easily digestible protein in conjunction with a sound exercise plan will help build lean muscle, which helps your body burn more calories & fat throughout the day.

When used in conjunction with a workout, it has been proven that Spirulina can also increase stamina and the amount of fat you burn. In the study, participants received either the natural spirulina supplement or a placebo for 4 weeks. They were then asked to run on a treadmill, and finally their performance was measured, blood samples were taken and results showed a clear advantage in those taking spirulina.

Lowers Cholesterol

Taking spirulina can reduce cholesterol according to a study done in Seoul, Korea on the effects of spirulina found that both male and female subjects had significantly lower cholesterol levels after taking spirulina for 16 weeks.  Individuals with Diabetes tend to have lower "good" or HDL cholesterol levels and increased triglycerides and "bad" or LDL cholesterol levels. These abnormal levels of fats in the blood increase the risk for heart disease and stroke in diabetics.  Spirulina decreases blood glucose, total cholesterol and tryglicerides and improved HDL cholesterol in a diabetic studies. Spirulina can also help reduce blood pressure.

Boosts Immune System

Spirulina powder boosts the immune system by activating T-cells, natural killer cells and macrophages, all of which work to attack invading organisms. Spirulina also keeps HIV, the AIDS virus, and other viruses including herpes, mumps, measles and influenza from making copies of themselves. Spirulina keeps viruses from penetrating cell membranes, and infecting the cells, because viruses need to be inside cells in order to replicate. Outside the cell, the virus can't replicate and the body's natural defenses can then eliminate it.  Spirulina also helps hasten wound healing.

Anti-Cancer Properties

Cancer research studying the effects of spirulina in human subjects is almost nonexistent, actually almost all of the studies have used animals.  That said, I found that spirulina contains a powerful antioxidant, phycocyanin, which may inhibit growth of leukemia cells and help shrink or eliminate skin cancer.  Spirulina stimulates immune response to destroy developing malignant cells without being harmful to normal cells.  While the results seem very promising, the lack of human studies makes it impossible to say for certain whether spirulina can fight cancer in humans.

Allergy Relief

Spirulina works as a histamine blocker, keeping your body from releasing histamine, the chemical that causes inflammation and allergic symptoms.  By blocking histamine release, spirulina improves symptoms of allergic reactions including sneezing, itching, congestion and runny nose.
Other helpful benefits Spirulina are helping manage ulcerative colitis, and helps to increase mental alertness.

Using Spirulina

The average total adult dose of spirulina is 1 to 10 grams per day and probably should not exceed 50 grams. Spirulina may interact with certain drugs, herbs and other supplements. Check with your doctor to make sure you're not taking anything that contraindicates use. The source of the supplement is important. One word of warning, not all spirulina is grown, processed, or packaged in the same way. Companies add different ingredients, even within the same brand. Many people choose an organic variety. Pay attention to product labels to determine what's right for you.


Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday 1/29/16...SWOD - Bench press - 2RM; WOD - 4 rounds: 10 dead lift, 20 ball slams, 10 KB swings, 200 meter run/row

Warm up: EMOM - 10 alternating
     :25 second hang from bar
     10 PVC pass throughs

SWOD: Bench press - 2RM

WOD: 5 Rounds for time
     10 Deadlift
     20 Ball slams
     10 KB swings
     200 meter run/row

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday 1/28/16.... Warm up: 50 knees to elbows; Metcon: 4 rounds -21 KB swings, 12 pull ups Run 400

Warm up: 50 Knees to elbows

Conditioning: 4 Rounds
     Run 400
     21 swings
     12 pull ups

from Health News:

Exercise May Be the Most Effective Weapon Against Aging

Keeping active may be the secret to staying young for both mice and men. Researchers from Canada’s McMaster University discovered that endurance exercise could halt the aging process in a group of mice, even though they were genetically engineered to age faster.
These furry creatures continued to exhibit the same youthful appearance as normal mice after engaging in a treadmill exercise routine over a period of several months. In addition, the exercise program prevented premature aging in almost every organ of the morphed mice. Details on the mighty mice can be found in the journal .
The results of the analysis indicate that not only can exercise help to prevent an early death, it can also delay the aging process. The researchers said that the exercise routine provided nearly 100 percent protection against graying fur, hair loss, brain and muscle atrophy, and more.
According to lead study author Mark Tarnopolsky, a Professor of pediatrics and medicine at McMaster's DeGroote School of Medicine, “What really shocked us was the gonads, the spleen, liver -- every tissue we looked at was made better with the exercise. It has a systemic effect and even prevented a slight shrinkage of the brain.”
The mice in the study were genetically engineered to have an age-inducing defect in their cell powerhouses, known as mitochondria. As mitochondria age, less energy is generated for cells in the body to run on. The mice were assigned to either an exercise or non-exercise group. Theexercise group was forced to jog at a brisk pace on a treadmill for 45 minutes, three times weekly.
After a five-month period, the researchers found that prevention of premature aging had occurred among all the mice in the exercise group. While these mighty mice remained active and looked as young as ever, the sedentary mice were inactive, more socially isolated, and less fertile, as well as balding and turning gray. Whereas the muscle tissue of the active mice was found to be completely normal, the tissue of the inactive mice showed signs of damage.
But the biggest discovery was seen in the mitochondria of the morphed mice. The mitochondria among these mice had gone from damaged to young and healthy. Experts have long-suspected that the accumulation of mitochondrial DNA mutations over the lifespan leads to the progressive decline in tissue and organ function, which results in aging.
Tarnopolsky noted that the results of the study are applicable to humans and he is hopeful that the outcome for the exercising mice will motivate people to get on the move. He remarked, “When you see the video with the mice barely moving and their sisters moving around healthy, that may shock them into getting their butts off the couch and get some exercise.”
Previous studies on genetically engineered, premature-aging mice have included calorie restriction and a variety of drugs that have had far less promising results. Regarding the benefits of exercise on health, Tarnopolsky pointed out, “Many people falsely believe that the benefits of exercise will be found in a pill. We have clearly shown that there is no substitute for the ‘real thing’ of exercise when it comes to protection from aging.”
The good news is that it’s never too late to get on that treadmill. Tarnopolsky noted that studies have shown that even those who have spent far too much time being sedentary can still reap the benefits of exercise, and gain energy, mobility and promote healthier organs. Take Tarnopolsky’s advice to “Get moving, get active and get your kids moving while they are young.” The road to fitness just may lead to the fountain of youth.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday 1/27/16 ..... "HOLLEYMAN"


Aaron Holleyman
U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, MS, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, KY, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq.
He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel.

30 Rounds - for time
5 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Handstand push-ups
225 pound Power clean, 1 rep

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday 1/26/16 ..... Strongman 300

Warm up: 4 rounds
     50 single jumps
     25 second hang from bar

Conditioning: "Strongman 300"
     25 pull ups
     50 Deadlift on 45# plate (135/95)
     50 front squats
     50 floor wipers (135/95)
     50 push press (135/95)
     50 one arm snatch (53/35)
     25 pull ups

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday 1/25/16... 5 rounds - 5 back squat, 200 meter farmers walk, 10 stone to shoulder, 20 DUBS

Warm up: EMOM- 10 alternating
     10 PVC pass throughs
     :25 second hang from bar

Conditioning: 5 Rounds for time
     5 back squats
     200 meter farmers carry
     10 stone to shoulders
     20 DUBS

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday 1/24/16... SWOD - pull ups + sumo deadlift; WOD - TABATA

#1. SWOD - EMOM 12
     pull up
     sumo deadlifts (no hi-pull)

#2. TABATA - 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest (8 rounds)
     push ups
     sit ups

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Saturday 1/23/15... Partner WOD

#1. Partner ROW: 1000 meters
     one partner rows while other holds plank - switch every 200 meters


     10 Back squats

     15 PRESS

20 Wall Balls (20/14)

25Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16)

30 Double Unders

***Partners perform alternating exercises

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday 1/22/16.... "Crazy 8's"

8 Rounds for time-

8 pull ups

8 box jumps

8 burpees

8 dips

8 push ups

8 lunges

8 dubs/ 32 singles

8 wall balls

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday 1/21/16...#1. Push press 3x3, #2. EMOM-10 slamball, #3. Burpee deadlift, push press, sit ups

#1. Push press - 3x3 climbing

#2. EMOM - 10... alternating exercises
     Odd - 15 slamballs
     Even - 20 Russian twists w/slamball

#3. 5 Rounds for time:
     7 burpee deadlifts
     14 push press
     21 sit ups

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday 1/20/16... SWOD - front squats, WOD - row,lunge, HPC

     Front Squats x5


     Row 1500 M/ 1000F

     100 walking lunges (L+R=2)

     50 HPC (155#/105#)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday 1/19/16... Swod - Triceps + back WOD - slamballs, DB snatch, run, situps

3 sets of:

10 close grip bench press

10 strict/weighted pull ups

15 tricep pressdowns w/ band

15 bent over DB rows

Conditioning - 2 rounds

20 slam balls
30 DB snatch
400 meter run 
50 weighted situps (25/35/45)
400 meter run
30 DB snatch
20 slam balls

Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday 1/18/16....Hero WOD - "Jorge"


for time:

30 GHD sit ups

15 Squat cleans (155)

24 GHD sit ups

12 Squat cleans

18 GHD sit ups

9 Squat cleans

12 GHD sit ups

6 Squat cleans

6 GHD sit ups

3 Squat cleans

U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Fernando Jorge, 39, of Cypress, California, an Aviation Survival Technician Chief, died on February 28, 2012, when his unit's helicopter crashed into Mobile Bay in the Gulf of Mexico during a training mission. He is survived by his sister Gina.

Squat Clean Demo:

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday 1/17/16... Deadlifts + wallballs

Warm up: 
     Farmers walk - 200 meters
     4x - 10 pvc pass throughs + 10 air squats


     3 Rounds - 
     7 Deadlifts
     10 wallballs

Run/Row 400 meters

     3 Rounds - 
     5 deadlifts
     10 wallballs

Run/Row 400 meters

     3 rounds - 
     3 deadlifts
     10 wallballs

An avocado a day keeps the cardiologist away! (Recipe included)


Avocado’s are prized for it’s nutrient value, rich texture and mild flavor.  It has become popular in health circles and is even considered to be a superfood.  In a 3.5 ounce serving you can find
  • Vitamin K: 26 percent of RDV
  • Folate: 20 percent RDV
  • Vitamin C: 17 percent RDV,
  • Potassium:  14 percent RDV
  • Vitamin B5:  14 percent RDV
  • Vitamin B6:  13 percent RDV,
  • Vitamin E:  10 percent RDV
  • Trace amounts of magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorous, vitamin A, B1, B2, and B3.(1)

Study replaces saturated fats associated with Standard American Diet with unsaturated fatty acids from avocados!

Recent research reports that eating one avocado per day is part of a heart healthy diet!  Researchers examined the effect that avocados had on cardiovascular risk factors by replacing saturated fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids from avocados.(2)
The study consisted of 45 healthy, overweight or obese patients ranging in age from 21-70.  The participants were place on three different cholesterol-lowering diets.  Two weeks prior to the new diet, participants consumed an average American diet.  Participants were then randomly placed on a five week lower fat diet without avocado, a five week moderate-fat diet without avocado, or a five week moderate-fat diet with one avocado per day.(2)

Study found that one avocado per day lowers LDL cholesterol, overall cholesterol and triglycerides!

Researchers found that LDL cholesterol was lowest on the moderate fat diet that included one avocado per day.  They also found that this diet resulted in overall lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and other cardiovascular risk factors.(2)
In the United States, avocados are not a staple in the Standard American Diet. Many people struggle with ways to incorporate avocados into their diet, outside of guacamole.  Adding avocados to salads, sandwiches, or even dessert is a great way to incorporate more of this nutritious fruit.(2)  If you want to disguise avocado into a dessert the whole family will love, consider making these avocado fudge bites from Chocolate Covered Katie.(3)

5 Ingredient Avocado Fudge Bites

  • 1/4 cup mashed ripe avocado
  • 6 tbsp coconut butter, melted
  • 2 tbsp pure maple syrup or raw agave
  • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • tiny pinch salt
  • stevia to taste, OR 1 additional tbsp both pure maple syrup and coconut butter
  1. If you have a Magic Bullet, blend all ingredients together until smooth. If you only have a bigger blender, you might wish to double the recipe for smoother blending.You can blend by hand if you absolutely must, but be sure to get the mixture completely smooth.
  2. Spread into a small plastic container and freeze until set (at least 3 hours). At this time, you can either scoop into balls with a mini cookie scoop or you can simply cut into fudge.
  3. If you want to coat them in chocolate (and why wouldn’t you?!), mix together equal parts cocoa powder, virgin coconut oil, and pure maple syrup until a thin sauce forms. Dip in the fudge balls, then immediately set back in the freezer to harden. Leftovers should be stored in the fridge or freezer for up to three days. (3)
Sources included:

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday 1/16/16..... Pull ups, KB swings, DUBS

SWOD: 4 Rounds
            6 Stone to shoulder AHAP

WOD: 5 Rounds
            15 Pull ups
            20 KB swings
            25 DUBS

Cash out: TABATA - sit ups

Friday, January 15, 2016

friday 1/15/16... #1.back squat; #2. unbroken wallball ladder #3. Run, bench press renegade row, sit ups

#1. EMOM - 8
One minute of Back Squats

Hold the bar on your back for the entire minute,
 squatting every 15 seconds (:15,:30,:45, :00)

  Even - Rest

#2. Wallball - unbroken 5-10-15-20-----

#3. conditioning

   4 rounds for time:

   200 meter run
   10 Bench press
   10 Renegade row (40/20)
   20 TTB or KTE

from the Civilized Caveman:

Bacon Butternut Squash Soup
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 6
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 Degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Toss squash and carrots with coconut oil
  3. Arrange in a baking dish and roast uncovered for 35 minutes or until tender
  4. In a large stock pot or dutch oven over medium heat, cook bacon until crisp Remove bacon with a slotted spoon and set aside for the soup garnish
  5. Add the onion and apple to the dutch oven or stock pot and sauté in bacon fat over medium heat until tender, about 5 minutes
  6. Add the roasted butternut squash, carrots, chicken broth, and coconut milk to dutch oven or stock pot and bring to a boil stirring often
  7. Remove from heat
  8. Use an immersion blender to blend your soup or working in several small batches, blend soup in food processor or blender until smooth
  9. Return to dutch oven or stock pot, bring to a simmer and season with salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg
  10. Serve soup in large bowls garnished with bacon or you can freeze and save for later. I have frozen mine up to 2 months
**The seasonings are highly dependent on the size of your squash. My squash was huge, at least 2-3 lbs so add your seasonings in batches and taste test along the way so you don't overpower the soup.