Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday 3/30/13...Pick a hero or a girl

Run 800
30 KB swings
30 Pull ups
Run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile

Nine foods you should NEVER eat:
NaturalNews) With so much misinformation out there about food and how it affects human health, making healthy food choices for you and your family can be difficult and confusing. There are a number of specific foods; however, that you will want to avoid in almost every circumstance because they provide virtually no health benefits while posing plenty of health risks. Here are nine foods you should never eat again if you care about preserving your long-term health:

1) White bread, refined flours. By definition, white bread and refined flours in general are toxic for your body because they have been stripped of virtually all vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important nutrients. Because of this, the body does not know how to properly digest and assimilate these so-called foods, which can lead to health problems. Refined white flour has also been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two poisonous chemicals that have been linked to causing thyroid and organ damage. (

2) Conventional frozen meals. Most conventionally-prepared frozen meals are loaded with preservatives, processed salt, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients, not to mention the fact that most frozen meals have been heavily pre-cooked, rendering their nutrient content minimal at best (especially after getting microwaved again at home). With the exception of a few truly healthy frozen meal brands such as Amy's and Organic Bistro, most frozen meals are little more than disease in a box, so avoid them in favor of fresh foods. (

3) White rice. Like white bread, white rice has been stripped of most of its nutrients, and separated from the bran and germ, two natural components that make up rice in its brown form. Even so-called "fortified" white rice is nutritionally deficient, as the body still processes this refined food much differently than brown rice, which is absorbed more slowly and does not cause the same spike in blood sugar that white rice does. (

4) Microwaveable popcorn. This processed food is a favorite among moviegoers and regular snackers alike, but it is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. Practically every component of microwaveable popcorn, from the genetically-modified (GM) corn kernels to the processed salt and preservative chemicals used to enhance its flavor, is unhealthy and disease-promoting. On top of this, microwaveable popcorn contains a chemical known as diacetyl that can actually destroy your lungs. If you love popcorn, stick with organic kernels that you can pop yourself in a kettle and douse with healthy ingredients like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and Himalayan pink salt. (

5) Cured meat products with nitrates, nitrites. Deli meats, summer sausage, hot dogs, bacon, and many other meats sold at the grocery store are often loaded with sodium nitrite and other chemical preservatives that have been linked to causing heart disease and cancer. If you eat meat, stick with uncured, nitrite and nitrate-free varieties, and preferably those that come from organic, grass-fed animals. (

6) Most conventional protein, energy bars. By the way they are often marketed, it might seem as though protein and energy bars are a strong addition to a healthy diet. But more often than not, these meal replacements contain processed soy protein, refined sugar, hydrogenated fat, and other harmful additives that contribute to chronic illness. Not all protein and energy bars are bad, of course -- Thunderbird Energetica, Organic Food Bar, Boku Superfood, Vega Sport, PROBAR, and Zing all make healthy protein and energy bars. Just be sure to read the ingredient labels and know what you are buying.

7) Margarine. Hidden in all sorts of processed foods, margarine, a hydrogenated trans-fat oil, is something you will want to avoid at all costs for your health. Contrary to popular belief, butter and saturated fats in general are not unhealthy, especially when they are derived from pastured animals that feed on grass rather than corn and soy. And if animal-based fats are not for you, stick with extra-virgin coconut oil or olive oil rather than margarine. (

8) Soy milk and soy-based meat substitutes. One of the biggest health frauds of modern times, the soy craze is a fad that you will want to skip. Besides the fact that nearly all non-organic soy ingredients are of GM origin, most soy additives are processed using a toxic chemical known as hexane, which is linked to causing birth defects, reproductive problems, and cancer. Soy that has not been fermented is also highly estrogenic, which can throw your natural hormone balance out of whack. (

9) "Diet" anything. Many so-called "diet" products on the market today contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal) and sucralose (Splenda), both of which are linked to causing neurological damage, gastrointestinal problems, and endocrine disruption. Many diet products also contain added chemical flavoring agents to take the place of fat and other natural components that have been removed to artificially reduce calorie content. Instead, stick with whole foods that are as close to nature as possible, including high-fat foods grown the way nature intended, and your body will respond surprisingly well. (

Learn more:

Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday 3/29/13...."Broomstick Mile"

"Broomstick Mile": use a PVC, body bar or 45#bar

25 Back squats
25 Front squats
25 Overhead squats
Run 400
25 Shoulder press
25 Push press
25 Push jerk
Run 400
50 Hang cleans 
Run 400
50 Snatches
Run 400

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday 3/28/13 Strength...Power cleans WOD: 30 DUBS, 3 HPC 155/105,300 meter run,15 GHD situps,9 HPC,15 GHD sit ups,6 HPC,300 meter run, 3 HPC, 30 DUBS

Strength: Power cleans 6x3

WOD: for time

30 DUBS/150 singles
3 Hang power cleans 155/105
300 meter run
6 Hang power cleans
15 GHD sit ups
9 Hang power cleans
15 GHD sit ups
6 Hang power cleans
300 meter run
3 Hang power cleans

*cash out: AMRAP- 2 minutes sit ups 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday 3/27/13...Endurance: Run 1 mile or Row 500 meters x4

Endurance: Run 1 mile or 4 Rounds - Row 500 rest 1 minute between rounds

WOD: "Little Black Dress"


Wall Balls (20, 14)

Pull ups

Box Jumps (24,20)

KBS (53,35)

* run 400 after each round

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday 3/24/13 ... CF Games Open 13.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

150 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

90 Double-unders

30 Muscle-ups

Saturday, March 23, 2013

saturday 3/23/13....AMRAP-20


30 DUBS/120 singles
20 Hollow rocks
10 Renegade Rows 20/30
5 Power Cleans 95/135

* make up yesterday's WOD if you want some good cardio

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday 3/22/13...."Thrubbin"


400 meter run
15 thrusters (65/95)
50 dubs/200 singles
400 meter run
12 thrusters
40 dubs/160 singles
400 meter run
9 thrusters
30 dubs/120 singles
400 meter run
6 thrusters 
20 dubs/80 singles
400 meter run
3 thrusters
10 dubs/40 singles
400 meter run

*we did this last August.....Matt-31:20 rx , Suze- 31:28 rx, Mo- 32:01 47#

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday 3/21/13...."Crazy 8's"



8 Pull ups
8 Box jumps
8 Burpees
8 Dips
8 Push ups
8 Lunges (alt. in place)
8 Dubs
8 Wall Ball

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday 3/19/13...10 Rounds - 10 Deadlift, 10 Push ups, 10 KB Swings

Strength: Box Squats 5x4



10 Deadlift 155/185
10 push ups
10 KB Swings 35/53    

Crossfit baby

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday 3/18/13 "500" reps for time



*Max effort each exercise before moving on to next. Keep cycling through until you reach a total of 500 reps.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday 3/17/ WOD 13.2

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

115 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps

115 pound Deadlift, 10 reps

15 Box jumps, 24" box

Saturday, March 16, 2013

saturday 3/16/13....5 RFT: 7x shoulder press+7x SDLHP+7xsnatch+200 meter farmers walk

Option #1 (Darby and Chris did this one today)


7X shoulder press
7X Snatch
200 meter farmers walk

Option #2

400 meter run
21 wallballs
21 power cleans
21 pull ups
50 DUBS or 250 singles
15 wallballs
15 power cleans
15 pull ups
400 meter run
9 wallballs
9 power cleans
9 pull ups
50 DUBS or 250 singles

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday 3/15/13...Lunge+Run+KB Swings









100 LUNGES        

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thursday 3/13/13...Hero Wod

Rounds in 30 min

275 pound 
Deadlift, 5 reps

Box jumps, 24 inch box

Wednesday 3/13/13..."Cluster Ladder"

Cluster Ladder

For time:
10 Squat Clean Thrusters (95#/65#) AKA "Cluster"
Run 200m
9 Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
8 Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
7 Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
6 Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
5 Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
4 Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
3 Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
2 Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
1 Squat Clean Thruster
Run 200m

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday 3/12/13......


20 KTE or GHD Situps
20 Wall Ball Shots

20 Push Jerk

40 Double Unders / 160 Singles / Run 200

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday 3/11/13....Warm up: "Farmer's Walk" 400meters, Conditioning WOD: Run 400+25 Pull ups+25 HPC+ 25 dips+ 50 box jumps+ 25 dips+25 HPC+ 25 pull ups+ Run 400meters

Warm up: "Farmers Walk" 400 meters

Strength: Close grip bench press - 7x5

Run 400
25 pull ups
25 HPC
25 Dips
50 Box jumps
25 Dips
25 HPC
25 Pull ups
Run 400

Anti-cancer vegetables:
brussel sprouts
green beans
onions (red)
soy (not to sure about this one...some studies have shown it supports estrogen driven cancers)
sweet potatoes
Anti-cancer fruits:
strawberries, organic
Reduce stress.
Stay lean.
Increase exercise.
Limit dietary fat to 20 percent of total calories, with less than 10 percent of total calories as saturated fats. Eliminate hydrogenated fats.
Increase fiber to between 25 and 35 grams a day.
Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eat foods high in the antioxidants beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E.
Switch from red meat to seafood and soy products.
Eat foods high in calcium.
Consider daily supplements of the following:
Vitamin C, 500 mg.
Calcium, 500 mg.
Flaxseed meal (ground flaxseed), 30 grams
Acidophilus powder, 1 teaspoon
Vitamin E, 200 IU
Selenium, 100 mcg.
With trillions of cell duplications occurring inside you every day, it stands to reason that a few of those cells will become out of control renegades. If your body's immune system is strong enough to search out and destroy these cells, you don't "get cancer." If the cells win the battle with your body, you do get cancer. Good nutrition is one of many ways you can help your body fight this daily battle. If you think of phytonutrients in plant foods as chemo-prevention, you may someday spare yourself chemotherapy. Enjoy your food and your health!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday 3/10/13...CF Games Open 13.1

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as

 possible in 17 minutes of:

40 Burpees

75 pound Snatch, 30 reps

30 Burpees

135 pound Snatch, 30 reps

20 Burpees

165 pound Snatch, 30 reps

10 burpees

210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

Is that Matt??

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday 3/9/13...."Slattery"

3 Rounds for Time:

13 HSPU or shoulder press
15 KB Swings
27 Wallball
47 Sit ups 


Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday 3/8/13 EMOM - Backsquats

EMOM (every minute on the minute)

With a continuously running clock do one Back Squat #135 the first minute, two the second minute, three the third.........continuing as long as you are able.

When you can no longer air squats as many rounds as you are able