Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday 2/21/14...50 front squats + 50 hang power cleans + 50 push press

Warm up: 5 rounds of barbell bear with light body bar

With the same bar (95/65) perform the following:

50 Front Squats

50 Hang Power Cleans

50 Push Press

* the bar may not touch the ground

* the bar may rest in the front rack position, the hang position or in the hip crease

* penalty for putting the bar down= 400 meter run

* compare your score w/last time:
**we should all go heavier this time

Jan- 45# 26:37 w/4 penalties

Jo- 45# 28:45 w/4 penalties

Suz- 55# 25:+ w/4 penalties

Mo- 50# 31:08 w/5 penalties


  1. This one nearly killed me!
    Jo - 34:00/ 4 penalties w/ 37# ( took the winter off from crossfit)
    Suz - Rx'd 38:30 / 6 penalties
    Mo - 38:31 / 6 penalties w/55#..... next time I think I'll do the push press first to get my weakest event out of the way.

  2. Danielle - 14:52/ 1 penalty w/45# (that was more like a warm up for her. Next time 65#)
