Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday 2/9/14....Partner WOD: "Clusters and runs"

Partner WOD: AMRAP-25

1 cluster
2 clusters
3 clusters
4 clusters
Run 200

Rules: Partner #1 does 1 cluster then partner #2 does 1 cluster, partner #1 does 2 clusters then partner #2 does 2 clusters.......continue to 4. Both partners run 200 together. Round 2 starts from the beginning again.

 “What’s a cluster?!”  It’s a combination of a clean and a thruster. As if thrusters didn’t suck enough, we add a clean to it?!?! The most efficient and proper way to move through this is to catch your clean at the bottom of your squat, so you can immediately thruster that weight up. If you catch your clean in the power position, you are actually breaking the movement up into a clean and a thruster, instead of combining it to a cluster. Either way its going to suck! :))

heck yeah!

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