Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday 2/23/14...EMOM for 10 minutes....2 Deadlifts then AMRAP-3: 5 deadlifts, 7 push ups,9 air squats

#1. EMOM-10 (every minute on the minute)
perform 2 deadlifts

#2. 5 rounds:
AMRAP-3 (as many rounds as possible in three minutes)
5 Deadlifts
7 push ups
9 air squats
rest 1 minute

* score is total # of rounds plus additional reps

We could do a partner WOD as a second option:

AMRAP-20 (as many rounds as possible)
partner #1 does 12 KTE (knees to elbows)
partner #2 does 12 KB SDLHP (sumo deadlift high pulls)
partner #1 does 12 jumping squats
partner #2 does 12 slamballs
partner #1 runs 200 meters

*after partner #1 returns - partner #2 starts with the KTE. Only one team mate works at a time.

1 comment:

  1. wod #1
    We changed the EMOM to every :30 deadlift x2
    Dot - 75#
    Jan - 115# (so strong today)
    Jo - 47#
    Mo - SDLHP w/52# KB

    Wod #2-
    Dot- 65# :rounds=3+12, 3+5, 3+2, 3, 3+12
    Jan- 95#: rounds= 4, 4+3, 4+5, 4+5, 4+5
    Jo - 35# KB: rounds= 4, 3+12, 3+18, 4, 4
    Mo - 47# (sumo): rounds= 4, 3+24, 4+3, 4+1, 4

    tough one! everyone was pretty consistent
