Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday 3/15/14....SWOD: back squat; Metcon: 5 Rounds for time - 10 wallballs, 25 DUBS, 10 DB snatches(each arm)

SWOD: Back Squat - 20 reps(unbroken)

This program is designed to be done once or twice a week increasing weight by 5# each time.
The first day you find 60% of your 1RM. Then do 20 reps unbroken. You cannot put the bar down and you shouldn"t rest for minutes at a time. We could do this every Friday or Saturday depending on the WOD. I think Jan will like this as it produces an enhanced "booty"!!

WOD: 5 Rounds for time
10 wallballs
10 DB snatches (each arm)

cash out: 50 Hollow rocks

1 comment:

  1. SWOD x20 reps back squat....
    Dot - 65#, 18:06 - metcon
    Jan - 70#, 14:13 - metcon
    Linda - 75#, 15:45
    Mo - 70#, 13:17
