Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday 3/22/14...... Navy Seal WOD or Partner WOD

SWOD x20 reps back squat....
Dot - 65#,
Jan - 70#,
Linda - 75#,
Mo - 70#, 

* We should add 5# to last weeks #

WOD #1- Navy Seals workout
4 Rounds
25 push ups
25 pull ups
50 steps farmers walk
Run 200

WOD #2 - Partner WOD
P1 and P2 together (one working at a time) complete for time:
80 pull ups
100 wallballs
150 air squats

 - then - for total reps using 95/65#

P1 runs 200 while P2 does HPC
then switch- count total reps
P1 farmer carry 200 meters while P2 does plate ground to overhead
then switch- count total reps
P1 runs 200 while P2 does KTE
then switch- count reps
complete 100 situp medball toss w/partner

1 comment:

  1. SWOD- 20 rep back squat challenge: every one went up in weight
    Jan - 75#
    Linda - 85#
    Mo - 75#
    Suz - 95#

    chose Navy Seal WOD:
    Jan - 26:57
    Suz - 27:13
    Mo - 27:51
    Lin - 32:00 (also wins over achiever award for running 400's)
