Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday 3/30/14......21-15-9-15-21 - box step ups + KB swings + pull ups

SWOD: 20 Rep Squat challenge.... add 5# to last weeks' weight

Warm up : 4 rounds

5 jumping pull ups
10 air squats
15 sit ups


box step ups w/plates (25/35/45)
KB swings
pull ups

* 10 wallballs after each round

1 comment:

  1. 20 rep squat challenge=
    Linda-95# (needs to go 10# more next week w/Suze)
    Mo - 80#
    Jan - 80#
    WOD - (I thought the weighted step ups were tough)
    Jan - 19:08
    Mo - 22:52
    Dot - 26:31
    Linda - 28:00
