Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday 3/2/14.... SWOD: close grip bench press 5x10; WOD: Partner WOD

SWOD: close grip bench - 5x10

Dumbbell Pullover - 5x10

Don’t Forget the Dumbbell Pullover

By Cory Gregory
It will never be as popular as the bench press or as glamorous as any curl movement.
But it remains one of my favorite exercises and I’m determined to make sure it doesn’t fall by the wayside.
I’m talking about the dumbbell pullover, a staple in the Arnold-era and one of my favorite unique movements in the gym.
For whatever reason, this gem of an exercise seems to have fallen out of people’s routines. Maybe in the days of fancy machines and new-age workouts, it’s simply become forgotten.
I’m here to tell you to ignore that type of thinking. Don’t forget about this exercise because adding the dumbbell pullover to your routine will allow for some noticeable improvements that no other movement creates. Let’s think about it: If it’s good enough for Arnold, it’s definitely good enough for you.
The cross-bench version of the dumbbell pullover was made popular in the 1970s Golden Era of bodybuilding, and Arnold especially, as it was used it most often as a brutally effective finisher in his now famous double-split routines.
Arnold always raved about the benefits of the movement, and even used to say that he thought the pullover even expanded his rib cage.
If done properly, it hits everything from the bottom of your pecs to your abs, lats and triceps, working all of these muscles in a beneficial and unique way. Knowing this, how is there anyone not doing pullovers?
 There are a few big keys when it comes to this movement.
A lot of people rush through it and don’t focus on getting a proper stretch. Really feeling that deep stretch is a must with these.
Also, it’s highly important to keep your hips and head down, which ensures you’re not just swinging the weight. With your hips down, you’ll really feel your lats working and the gains will come.
When it’s done correctly, you’ll feel muscles in your upper abs, lats and triceps working hard, giving you a pump that’s hard to be re-created with any other movement.
Whatever your reason is for not doing them, it’s not a good one.

200 Run/Row (both)
100 wall balls
200 farmers walk (both)
100 HPC
200 Run/Row (both)
100 KB swings
200 farmers walk (both)
100 partner sit up tosses (med ball)
200 Run/Row (both)
* Team will not start on the non-running movement until both athletes have completed the run/farmer carries.

1 comment:

  1. Strong w/those pullovers today.....Su - 40#, Linda+Jan 35#
    WOD - everyone giving 100% (shoulders got a good workout)
    Jan/Dot/linda -31:21
    Mo/Su -31:21
    hardest exercise was the partner ball toss
