Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday 11/23/12....EMOM-5....1 hang power snatch+3 OHS then AMRAP 20 - 7 OHS, 7KB Swings Run 400

Strength: every minute on the minute perform 1 hang power snatch + 3 overhead squats

AMRAP-20 minutes
7 KB Swings
400 meter run

Overhead Squat

The overhead squat is possibly the best core strength exercise in existence. In the words of Coach Glassman: "The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise...and peerless in developing effective athletic movement." It demands flexibility, strength, balance, and is an essential component of the snatch. It is also an excellent measure of your core stability and control, and ultimately, your ability to generate effective and efficient athletic power.
Requirements for the Overhead Squat:The same requirements apply as for the squat, but with the addition of the bar remaining locked out overhead throughout the movement.
Here are a few tips to perfect your Overhead Squat:
  • Review the air squat for the basic squat mechanics
  • Grip the bar such that when placed overhead, it is 6-8" above the top of your head
  • Push your shoulders and the bar up as high as you can ("active shoulders")
  • The bar should be perfectly aligned with your heels (line f-f in the diagram to the right)
  • Maintain a tight core through the entire movement
  • Pull your hips back and down while keeping your weight on your heels
  • Pull the bar back deliberately as you squat to keep it directly over your heels (position a. in the diagram)
  • DO NOT let the bar move forward of or behind your heels at any point of the movement (position c. and d. in the diagram = incorrect)
  • Make sure your hips reach a point below the top of your knee (below parallel)
  • Keeping your weight on your heels, stand to full extension
OHS diagram
Picture courtesy

See the overhead squat in action in the following video:
Heavy Overhead Squats

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