Thursday, November 15, 2012

SWOD- Bench 6x3 then "Swinging Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 DUBS-KB Swings-Sit ups

SWOD.... Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3-3

WOD...."Swinging Annie"

50-40-30-20-10 reps of.....
DUBS ( x4 for singles )
KB Swings
Sit Ups

Top 5 reasons kettlebell training is good for your back:

1. Kettlebell exercises strengthen the glutes – most people have “gluteal amnesia”…weak and flabby buns!
2.Kettlebell exercises stretch the hip flexors. – the muscles at the tops of your thighs
3.Kettlebells develop back extensor endurance. – your low back muscles must be able to “work” for long periods of time (hence, kettlebell swing-throughs)
4.”Bracing” is superior to hollowing for spinal stability. – bracing is like getting your abs ready to be punched by a bully.
5. Sensible ballistic loading appears to reduce the odds of arthritis. – ballistic meaning not staying still – and like I always say, “Motion is Lotion” keep moving to ward off arthritis!

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